
出版时间:1981-6  出版社:上海译文  作者:杨岂深 等主编  页数:453  字数:431000  


一 本册从十九世纪末至二十世纪三十年代末。    二 本书每篇由作者简介、解题、原文和注释四个部分组成。有些选文或因主题鲜明,或因可独立成章,即未作题解。    三 作家与作品大体按出生年月、发表时间的先后编排。但少数作家及作品文学流派和地位影响等关系,不宜按上述顺序编排,故稍作变动。




Gorge Meredith   The EgoistWilliam Morris    News from NowhereSamuel Butler   ErewhonThomas Hardy  Tess of the D'UrbervillesRobert Louis Stevenson  Treasure IslandIsabella Augusta GreGory  The Rising of the MoonOscar Wilde  An Ideal HusbandGorge Bernard Shaw   Widower's Houses George Gissing   The Private Papers of Henry RyecroftJoseph Conrad  An Outpost of ProgressJoseph Rudyard Kipling   The Lost LeginJoseph Rudyard Kipling   The Lost LegionWilliam Butler Yeats   A Deep-Sworn Vow   Easter 1916Herbert George Wells   Ann VeronicaEnoch Arnord Bennett  The Old Wives' TalcJohn Galsworthy   The forsyte SagaSaki  DuskEdward Morgan Forster  A Passage to IndiaJohn Millington Synge  A Passage to the Sea Bertrand Russell  A Free Man's WorkshipWilliam Somerset Maugham  Of Human Bondage John Masefield   The Locked Chest Giles Lytton Strachey  Queen Victoria……


  “To my soul. No heaven can be for me w I see none,only torture, unless I have your word, Clara.I trust it.Iwill trust it implicitly.My confidence in you is absolute.”  “Then you need not be troubled.”  “It is for.y0u, my love; thatyou may be armed and strongwhen I am not by to protect you.‘’  “Our views of the world are opposed, Willoughby.”  “Consent; gratify me; swear it.Say, ‘Beyond death.Whisper it.I ask for nothing more.Women think the hus-band’s grave breaks the bond, cuts the tie, sets them loose.They wed the flesh-pah! What I call on you for is nobility:the transcendeu nobility of faithfulness beyond death?Hiswidow ! let them say; a saint in widowhood.”  “My vows at the altar must suffice.”  “You will not ? Clara !”  “I am plighted to you.”  “Not a word ?—— a simple promise ? But you love me ?”  “I have given you the best proof of it that I can.”  “Consider how utterly I place confidence in you.”  “I hope it is well placed.”  “I could kneel to you, to worship you, if you would,Clara !”  “Kneel to heaven, not to me, Willoughby.I amIwish I were able to tell what I am.I may be inconstant: I do not know myself.Think; question yourself whether I am really the person you should marry.Your wife should have great qualities of mind and soul.I will consent to hear that I do not possess them, and abide by the verdict.  “You do; you do possess them !” Willoughby cried.“When you know better what the world is, you will understand my anxiety.Alive, I am strong to shield you from it; dead, help- less- that is all.You would be clad in mail, steel-proof, inviolable, if you wouldt‘s.




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