出版时间:1982-4 出版社:上海译文 作者:上海外国语学院英语系 编 页数:291
本书收集了格雷厄姆·格林、迪伦·托马斯、艾伦·西利托、多丽丝·莱辛等十四位英国当代作家的十四篇短篇小说。全书按作者出生先后编排。这些作品在主题、素材、语言运用,写作技巧等方面都不同于上册的一些作家的作品。总的来说,语言趋向于简单平易,不倾向采用复杂曲折的故事情节,而往往是从生活的一些侧面和个人的片断经历来突出人的个性特征、内心矛盾以及人与人、人与社会之间的关系。当代作家采用的一个手法是利用“意象”,作为一种象征,用以说明主题或抒发作者对某些社会现象的观点及看法。了解这些大致的趋向有利于读者对当代作品的理解。本书编写体例及注释原则与上册同。 本书由秦小孟同志负责组织并进行全面审阅。参加注释的有:吴熊元、阮武云、李敏芬、吕佩英、颜一德、李佩莹、严撷云、袁鹤鹃、王美君、许余龙、张定铨等同志。 限于水平,本书无论在选材或注释中如有缺点和错误,希读者批评指正。
The Size of a Pocket HandkerchiefOn the ContraryMany Are DisappointedWhen Greek Meets GreekPatricia, Edith, and ArnoldThe Black MadonnaThe Man in the MoonThe Fishing-Boat PictureThe Will of AllahMrs Wilmington Sat AloneA.P.Kidney SoupThe JayI Can Play Schools
Hale pushed his way angrily to the door and opened itin the hope that Simpson had but just sneaked out. Closingthe door behind him to shut in the noise of the club-room,he listened in the darkness for the sound of retreating foot-steps, but all was quiet. Like someone just missing a trainit was essential he should catch, he stood there so baffledthat it seemed some miraculous happening must defeat the logicof Simpsons escapeu. He thought of following him to his house, but would notcare to say what he had to say in front of his wife. He turnedon his heel and went back into the club-room. Galling as the delay was, it yet served to allow of matureconsideration of the form of the indictment, Protests madein a hurry can leave out telling points. And a man maycommit a treacherous act and just because the right wordsof accusation are not found, may think his infamy is not fullyrealized, and may even become only half-convinced of it him-self. Hale did not waste the time of waiting; he got on tomore familiar terms with the injury done him, and would havemore to say than he would have had in the first place. Perhaps you think Im the only one to know you forwhat you are——that Im sore-because I lost "it, but that noone else is taking any notice. All right, take Chadwick, a manyou like to stand well with. I saw you and him talking andhaving a drink just as usual.