
出版时间:1981-8  出版社:上海译文  作者:上海外国语学院英语系 编  页数:289  


  本书收集了哈代、特罗洛普,韦尔斯、高尔斯华绥、曼斯菲尔德、毛姆等十一位英国著名作家的十四个短篇小说。按作者出生先后编排。这些作家对英国文学的发展有相当的影响。限于篇幅,这里收集的作品不一定都是他们的代表作,但就其语言运用、风格、写作技巧来说,都各有特色,在一定程度上反映了他们的基本写作特点。作品内容属于讽刺暴露性的比较多,对资本主义社会有所反映和暴露,作者对待各种问题的态度都比较严肃。为便利读者,我们在每篇作品前面加了作者简介和内容提要。  本书的阅读对象为具有中等水平、有一定自学能力的英语工作者和学习者。因此,凡是一般词典中可查阅到的单词和短语就不再作注。注释的范围侧重于土语,方言、俚语、有关背景知识、历史史实,人物、典故,以及难句和含有内在意义的词句。  这些作品都有时代的局限性,希望读者有分析地进行阅读。就语言雨论,个别作品与现代英语有所不同,不一定作模仿之用。  本书由秦小孟同志负责组织并进行全面审阅。参加注释的有刘玉麟、颜一德、林相周、李佩莹、艾祖星、江泽玖、胡浩然、袁鹤鹃、朱嫣华、何兆熊,王长荣、于月明、吴家禄、邱懋如、王彤福、孙白梅、张定铨等同志。  限于水平,注释可能有不足之处,望读者批评指正。




Arabella HardyThe OConors of Castle Conor, County MayoThe Sons VetoA Charming FamilyThe Stolen BacillusThe Lions ShareCompensationConscienceMrs. Packletides TigerThe Stampeding of Lady BastableThe OutstationLife of Ma ParkerThe Garden PartyTickets, Please


  That i dwell so long upon the attention of this Atkinsonis only because his death, which happened just beforewe got to England, affected me so much, that he aloneof all the ships crew has engrossed my mind ever since;though, indeed, the captain and all were singularly kindto me, and strove to make up for my uneasy and unnaturalsituation. The boatswain would pipe tot my diversion,and the sailor-boy would climb the dangerous mast formy sport. The rough foremast-man would never will-ingly appear before me till he had combed his long blackhair smooth and sleek, not to terrify me. The officersgot up a sort of play for my amusement; and Atkinson,or as thdy called him, Betsy, acted the heroine of the piece.All ways mat could be contrived were thought upon toreconcile me to my lot. I was the universal favourite; Ido not know how deservedly; but I suppose it was becauseI was alone, and there was no female in the ship besidesme. Had I come over with female relations or attendants,I should have excited no particular curiosity: I shouldhave required no uncommon attentions. I was one littlewoman among a crew of men; and I believe the homage whichI have read that men universally pay to women was in this casedirested to me, in the absence of all other womankind. Ido not know how that might be; but I was a little princessamong them, and I was not six years old.  I remember, the first drawback which happened tomy comfort was Atkinsons not appearing Me whole ofOne day.






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