
出版时间:2010-9  出版社:上海古籍出版社  作者:香港浸会大学《人文中国学报》编辑委员会 编  页数:715  




論文南戲《荆釵記》古劇本的階層分化以及其近代以後的傳播方式Hierarchical Diversification in the Ancient Play Script of the SouthernPlay/,he/Thorn Hairpin and its Circulation Modes sincc Modcm TimcsTanaka Issei  關於曹操《薤露》的首句  ——怎樣理解“漢。世”    高芝麻子  The first line of Cao Cao’S“Xie Lu”    Takashiba Asako 杜甫詩史與《春秋》書法  ——以宋代詩話筆記之詮釋為核心    張高評  Du Fu’S Shishi(詩史)and ChunQiu Shufa(春秋書法):thcAnnotation of Shihua(詩話)and Biji(筆記)jn the Song DynastyAs the Core    Chang kao—Ping 嚴羽詩學兩則小議    陳國明  A Discussion of the Two Arguments about Yan Yu’S Poetics    Chan Kwok Ming  明中後期對白居易詩接受向度的承接和轉變    尚永亮  Succession and Change in the Acceptance of Bai Juyi’s Poetry in theMid to Late Ming Dynasty    Shang Yongliang  161胡應麟“格調”選擇的思想史意義    李思涯  163The Meaning of Hu Yinglin’S Choice of“Ge Diao”    Li Siya  1龔鼎孳人格論    白一瑾 0n the Character of Gong Dingzi    Bai Yijin淺論葉小纨《鴛鴦夢》的宗教色彩    曾惠仙 An Investigation of the Religious Consciousness of Ye Xiaowan’SYuanYang Meng(A Summary)    Wai—sin Tsang古代詩詞藝術鑒賞與詩學研究:從黄節到林庚    李鹏飛 Classic Poetry Appreciation and 7he Study of Poetry:From HuangJie to Lin Geng    Li Pengfei 274杜甫、白居易近體詩韻字考  ——依靠《刊謬補缺切韻》考察韻字    水谷誠  An Examination of Rhyming Words in the Recent—style Poetry ofDu Fu and Bai Juyi    Mizutani Makoto  單複相證的詞義學依據及其在《廣雅疏證》中的運用    張其昀  Basis which the Word Meaning Study in the Verification by Mono一Di—syllables and its Use in Guangya Shuzheng(廣雅疏證)    Zhang Qiyun 漢語時間表達中的運動隱喻    周國正  Movement Metaphor in Chinese丁emporal Expressions    Chow Kwok—ching  333從分析哲學觀點看天人之際學說的根本問題    馮耀明  The Basic Problem of the Thesis of the Unity of Heaven and Man:A Perspective of Analytic Philosophy    Yiu—ming Fung  世紀的沉思  ——《空間的馳想》釋讀    鍾元凱  Meditation of the Era:An Exegesis of A Spiritual Gallop in theSpatial Realm    Zhong Yuankai  香港近五十年《詩經》研究述要    林慶彰  The Study of Shi ring in Hong Kong Over the Past 50 Years    Lin Ching—chang 429陳漢章《(周禮)行於春秋時證》析論    許子濱  A Critical Study of Prevailing of the Book Zhouli during the Springand Autumn Period of Chan Hanzhang    Hsu 7zu Pin 論《國語》版本暨《古今韻會舉要》引《國語》例辨正    郭萬青  Collating the sentences of Guoyu quoted by Cujinyunhuijuyao    Guo Wan—qing 傳世本《文子》及許慎、高誘釋讀《淮南》考    鄭麗娟  A Comparative Study on the Interpretation of the Huainanzi by theReceived Wenzi,Xu Shen and Gao You    Zheng Lijuan  《宜興胥井、武進前街董氏合修家乘》的文獻價值   匯  The Documentary Value of the Genealogy Which Revised by BothBranches of Dong Family Who Lived in Xujing of Yixing and Qianjieof Wujin    Bian Xiaoxuan 海外文字緣  ——清代中日筆談交流研究    王曉秋  Overseas Acquaintance via Writing:A Study of Sino—JapaneseExchanges in“Brush Talks”of the Qing Period  Wang Xiaoqiu 晚清“崇實”思潮與現代印刷文化的興起  ——以張元濟為中心的論述    雷啟立  The Wave of“Pragmatism”in Late Qing and the Rise of the ModemPrinting Culture:Narrating on Zhang Yuanji    Qili Lei 書評《湖湘詩派研究》    李金坤  《中國現代文學研究史》    劉  濤  《中國鄉土小說史》    李城希  《中山陵:一個現代政治符號的誕生》    區志堅  《論語疏證》    孟  琢  《在夢想與現實之間——魯斯與中國》    侯  傑  段文豔  《立憲派與辛亥革命》




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