出版时间:2006-9 出版社:上海古籍 作者:香港浸会大学人文中国学报编辑委员会 页数:444 字数:359000
名贤讲席二——近现代中国文学的学科视野(香港浸会大学中文系主办2005年12月28日) 中国近现代文学的研究方法 “大时代”裏的“现代文学” 重建“中国现代文学” ——在学科建制与民间视野之间 试论“五四”新文学运动的先锋性 历史碎片以及中国诗的现代行程黄子平论文 王国维(1877-1927)在清末民初中国学术转型中的贡献张广达 Wang Guoweis Contribution during Chinese Scholars Transitional Period 宋代刻石文化与民间及官署刻工考程章灿 The Governmental and Nongovernmental Stone Inscribers and the Gulture Context in Sung Dynasty 《广雅》同源词考证张其昀 The Textual Research of Guang Ya Etymological Doublet 给崇高理想与博大精神赋形和着色 ——毛泽东诗词艺术形象表现技巧概论杨景春 Sketching and Colouring Lofty Ideal and Erudite Spirit:A General Introduction to the Techniques of Artistic Image Expressions in Mao Zedong?s Poems and Lyrics 文学无意构建“新满洲”——《新满洲》杂誌考述刘晓丽 Literature Had No Intention to Construct“New Manchou”:Research and Recounting on “New Manchou”Periodical 炉外之丹——余光中六十年代“现代散文“的历史意义樊善标 Elixir outside the Furnace:the Historical Significance of the Modern Prose Written by YU Kwang chung in 1960s 上博简《孔子诗论》与《诗经》成书考王志 A Study on the Course of Editing the Book of ShiJing through Confucius? Commentary on ShiJing from Shanghai Museum Bamboo Slips 決策讯息流与秦帝国衰亡的关係冯树勳 Relationship between the Flow of Decisional Messages and the Fall of the Qin Empire 阳羨词人蒋景祁生平事蹟补考朱帼馨 An Amendment to the Life of Jiang Jingqi,Ci poet in the Yangxian School of the Early Qing Dynasty ( with his Personal Genealogy Attached) 《庄子·外篇》诠释《老子》考郑丽娟 How Did the“Outer Chapters”of the Zhuangzi Modify the Teachings of the Laozi书评 《汪兆镛与近代粤澳文化》 《清初诗坛:卓尔堪与〈遗民诗〉研究》 《思想史研究课堂讲录——视野角度与方法》 《逸园丛录》