出版时间:2009-10 出版社:上海科技 作者:金宏柱 页数:184 译者:韩丑萍
This book introduces easy to administer tuina methods for 66 common diseases. There is a Chinese saying that states, sharp tools make good works; this edition, with colored illustrations, aims to serve as a sharp tool for those who prefer to deal common conditions using tuina manipulation.
Part A Commonly Used Tuina Manipulations1 Rolling (Gun) manipulation2 Kneading (Rou) manipulation3 Circular rubbing (Mo) manipulation4 Rubbing (Ca) manipulation5 Pushing (Tui) manipulation6 Twisting (Cuo) manipulation7 Vibrating (Don) manipulation8 Pressing (Ya) manipulation9 Digital pressing (Dian) manipulation10 Pinching (Nie) manipulation11 Twirling (Nian) manipulation12 Grasping (Na) manipulation13 Patting (Pal) manipulation14 Tapping (Ji) manipulation15 Shaking (Yao) manipulation16 Pulling (Ban) manipulation17 Plucking (Tan) manipulation18 Pulling and stretching (Ba Shen) manipulation19 Pressing and kneading (An Rou) manipulation20 Grasping and kneading (Na Rou) manipulationPart B Tuina Therapy for Common Conditions1 Stiff neck2 Cervical spondylosis3 Acute lumbar sprain4 Chroniclumbar muscle strain5 Degenerative spondylitis6 Transverse process syndrome of the 3rd lumbar vertebra7 Herniation of the lumbar intervertebrai disc (slipped disk)8 Closed chest and hypochondrium injury9 Subluxation of the sacroiliac joints10 Piriformis syndrome11 Lumbar myofasciitis12 Shoulder periarthritis (frozen shoulder)13 External humeral epicondylitis14 Internal humeral epicondylitis15 Sprain/contusion of the wrist joint16 Carpal-tunnel syndrome17 Strain of the iliotibial band18 Osteoarthritis of the knee19 Sprain/contusion of the ankle joint20 Tenosynovitis of the long head of the biceps brachii21 Injury to the medial head of the biceps brachii22 Supraspinatus tendonitis23 Subacromial bursitis24 Bursitis of the olecranon25 Stenosing tendosynovitis of the radial styloid26 Phalangeal tendosynovitis27 Ganglion cyst28 Sprain of the interphalangeal joint29 Separation of the distal radioulnar joint with ligament injury30 Vertebral subluxation31 Hip joint pain32 Tarsal tunnel syndrome33 Sprain of the Achilles s tendon34 Traumatic synovitis35 Strain of the intrapatellar fat pad36 Meniscus injury37 Gastric pain38 Gastroptosis39 Diarrhea40 Constipation41 Hypertension42 Headache43 Insomnia44 Post-stroke sequela45 Biliary colic46 Infantile cough47 Infantile fever48 Infantile diarrhea49 Infantile vomiting50 Infantile constipation51 Infantile enuresis52 Infantile myogenic torticollis53 Infantile subluxation of the radial head54 Infantile night crying55 Chronic prostatitis56 Impotence57 Depression syndrome58 Irregular menstruation59 Chronic pelvic inflammation60 Acute mastitis61 Dysmenorrhea62 Menopausal syndrome63 Toothache64 Temoporomandibularjoint disorder65 Peripheral facial palsy66 Myopia
插图:Tuina manipulations are used by practitioners toprevent and treat conditions using hands or other bodyparts over the treatment area.The quality of tuina manipulation is vital to ensure theeffect of the treatment. Effective manipulations need tobe lasting, forceful, even, soft, and penetrating to dredgemeridians, circulate qi and blood, lubricate joints andregulate the functions of zang-fu organs.The practice of tuina involves moving technique andincreased force of the fingers, wrist and arm. Beginners canpractice on a sandbag first and then on the human body. Forsandbag practice, one needs to prepare a muslin bag sizedin 8 cunx5 cun containing clean yellow sand (small piecesof sponge can make the sandbag more elastic). Tighten thebag at first and gradually loosen it. After that, one can startto do comprehensive practice on the human body, such ashead, face, neck and nape, arms, legs, shoulder and back,low back and buttocks, chest and hypochondriac region,and abdomen.In addition to manipulation techniques, tuinapractitioners should also practice increasing the forceof fingers, wrist and arms by doing push-ups, dumbbellraises and pinch meter. Furthermore, they should practiceimproving coordination through Yi Jin Jing and Shao LinNei Gong.1. Rolling (Gun) manipulationOperation: With naturally-bent fingers and arelaxed shoulder, place the dorsal aspect of the 5thmetacarpophalangeal joint over the treatment area androll the hypothenar and dorsum of hand back and forthcontinuously.