出版时间:2009-10 出版社:上海科技 作者:郑美凤//何芙蓉 页数:150 译者:何芙蓉
Based on the holistic view of traditional Chinese medi-cine, Guasha therapy can be used in a full range of treat-ments to promote the bodys self-healing ability. It is re-garded as a convenient and reliable therapy since it issafe, effective, and easy to operate. In addition, it does notcause any adverse reactions or side effects. This book consists of three parts. Part A contains theessential theory of Guasha, including a brief introduction,an overview of commonly used tools, basic procedures,body parts and points, operational methods, and indica-tions as well as precautions. Part B contains the practicalapplications of Guasha therapy in the treatment of com-mon conditions and in health care in general. Finally the attached chapter provides aI collection of typical case stud-ies illustrating the use of Guasha therapy. With rich contents and straightforward descriptions,this book can serve as a sound reference book for clini-cians, medical students and overseas students as well as those who are interested in self care and treatment.
Part A Essential Theory of Guasha TherapyChapter 1 Brief Introduction to Guasha TherapyChapter 2 Common Tools of Guasha TherapySection 1 GuashatoolsSection 2 Guasha mediumChapter 3 Procedures for Guasha TherapySection 1 Method for holding the Guasha boardSection 2 Scope of GuashaSection 3 Common Guasha methodsSection 4 Special Guasha methodsChapter 4 Common Body Parts and Points Used in Guasha TherapySection 1 BackSection 2 HeadSection 3 NeckSection 4 Chest and abdomenSection 5 Four extremitiesAttached: Profile of cutaneous regionsChapter 5 Preparations Prior to Guasha TherapySection 1 Principle of point selectionSection 2 Method of point combinationSection 3 Selection of body positionChapter 6 Operational Procedures of Guasha TherapySection 1 Procedures prior to Guasha therapySection 2 Procedures during Guasha therapySection 3 Procedures after Guasha therapyChapter 7 Indications for Guasha TherapyChapter 8 Precautions for Guasha TherapyPart B Guasha Therapy in PracticeChapter 9 Guasha Therapy for Internal DiseasesSection 1 SunstrokeSection 2 FeverSection 3 Common coldSection 4 CoughSection 5 AsthmaSection 6 HeadacheSection 7 InsomniaSection 8 Hypochondriac painSection 9 VomitingSection 10 HiccupsSection 11 Gastric painSection 12 ConstipationSection 13 VertigoSection 14 HypertensionSection 15 Facial palsySection 16 Trigeminal neuralgiaChapter 10 Guasha Therapy for Traumatology and External ConditionsSection 1 StiffneckSection 2 Cervical spondylosisSection 3 Sprain or strainSection 4 Frozen shoulderSection 5 Lower back painSection 6 SciaticaSection 7 Tennis elbowSection 8 Sural spasmChapter 11 Guasha Therapy for Gynecological and Pediatric ConditionsSection 1 Dyspepsia (food retention)Section 2 Whooping coughSection 3 DysmenorrheaSection 4 Irregular menstruationSection 5 Lobula hyperplasia of the mammary glandChapter 12 Guasha Therapy for Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat ConditionsSection 1 ConjunctivitisSection 2 StyeSection 3 ToothacheSection 4 Sore throatChapter 13 Guasha Therapy for Cosmetology and Health CareSection 1 Weight lossSection 2 Hair loss……