出版时间:2009-10 出版社:上海科技 作者:陶衔玥//屈菲 页数:128 译者:屈菲
With illustrations, rich contents, and clear explanations in both Chinese and English, this book can serve as a useful reference for clinicians, medical students and overseas students as well as those who are interested in self care and treatment.
Chapter 1 General Introduction1.1 Definition1.2 Mechanism1.3 Functions and characteristics of cupping therapy1.4 Common cupping tools and characteristics1.5 Common cupping methods and characteristics1.5.1 Fire Cupping1.5.2 Flash cupping1.5.3 Cup ironing1.5.4 Retained cupping1.5.5 Moving cupping1.5.6 Rotating cupping1.5.7 Cupping with acupuncture1.5.8 Cupping after blood letting1.5.9 Cupping after Guasha1.6 Operational procedures and precautions1.6.1 Operational procedures1.6.2 Precautions1.7 Common reactions and management1.7.1 Normal reactions1.7.2 Abnormal reactions1.7.3 Prevention and management of abnormal reactions1.8 Indications and contraindications1.8.1 Indications1.8.2 ContraindicationsChapter 2 Internal Diseases2.1 Common cold2.2 Cough2.3 Asthma2.4 Palpitations2.5 Forgetfulness2.6 Vertigo2.7 Chronic gastritis2.8 Gastroptosis2.9 Gastrospasm2.10 Diarrhea2.11 Vomiting2.12 Abdominal pain2.13 Abdominal distension2.14 Hiccups2.15 Constipation2.16 Hemiplegia2.17 Facial palsy2.18 Costalpain2.19 Sciatica2.20 Headache2.21 Insomnia2.22 ObesityChapter 3 Surgical ConditionsChapter 4 Gynecological ConditionsChapter 5 Skin ConditionsChapter 6 Pediatric DiseasesReference