
出版时间:2008-4  出版社:上海科学技术出版社  作者:李永安 编  页数:284  


  本教材是为适应全球化背景下对外医学交流,供全国中西医院校学生在大学三年级,即在学完大学英语之后,进行医学英语学习而编写的。本教材也适用于医学院校研究生阶段进行医学英语学习,以及广大医务工作者业余学习医学英语之用。  教材共20单元,每单元两篇课文。第一篇课文主要为西医内容,第二篇主要为中医内容。第一篇课文后有生诃、医学英语构词法练习和针对课文的阅读理解练习;第二篇课文后有:生词、针对课文的阅读理解练习、医学名词翻译练习以及有关医学翻译方面的一篇补充知识材料。  西安交通大学外国语学院院长、中华医学会医学外语分会主任、著名的医学英语专家由永权教授为本教材撰写了“序”。  书后共有4个附录。附录1为"中医翻译中应注意的问题"。本文由美国中医专家书写,介绍了目前中医翻译中的问题,及其对中医对外交流的影响和对策;附录2为“如何获取美国的医务工作人员的资格”,对想在美国发展的医学生和医务人员有现实指导意义;附录3为“常用医学英语词缀表”,为学生快速牢固学习医学英语词汇提供指导;附录4为课后所有“练习的答案”,便于学生自查练习结果。  每单元中,第一篇课文多为英美国家从事现代医学工作和研究的专家书写;第二篇课文多为英美国家从事中医学习和研究的专家书写。所有文章语言地道:风格各有特色。大部分单元中的两篇课文内容都有联系。例如,第一篇课文讲西医中的高血压,第二篇课文则讲中医对高血压的认识、辨证施治、治则、治法、养生保健等。文章选材新颖、趣味性强、针对性强。例如,选入了备受关注的禽流感、SARS、营养学研究等热门话题。  教材的难易程度定位为初、中级医学英语。  通过本教材的学习,广大学生可以从初级医学英语学起,最终达到中级医学英语程度,为学习高级医学英语打下良好的基础。  本教材与其他同类教材相比具有以下特点:  (1)本教材将中西医英语糅合为一体,作为一本教材,针对性和实用性很强。适合医学院校学生在大学三年级学习专业英语使用。这避免了目前市面上许多教材为一系列丛书的许多缺点,如针对性差、学生买不起、因学校医学英语课时少而无法作为教材使用等。  (2)编写的阶梯性。全书的编写呈阶梯性:①语言难度从接近大学英语三、四级过渡到五、六级;②课文长度从600~700个单词过渡到2300个单词左右;


  本教材是为适应全球化背景下对外医学交流,供全国中西医院校学生在大学三年级,即在学完大学英语之后,进行医学英语学习而编写的。本教材也适用于医学院校研究生阶段进行医学英语学习,以及广大医务工作者业余学习医学英语之用。  教材共20单元,每单元两篇课文。第一篇课文主要为西医内容,第二篇主要为中医内容。第一篇课文后有生词、医学英语构词法练习和针对课文的阅读理解练习;第二篇课文后有:生词、针对课文的阅读理解练习、医学名词翻译练习以及有关医学翻译方面的一篇补充知识材料。  西安交通大学外国语学院院长、中华医学会医学外语分会主任、著名的医学英语专家白永权教授为本教材撰写了“序”。  书后共有4个附录。附录1为“中医翻译中应注意的问题”。本文由美国中医专家书写,介绍了目前中医翻译中的问题,及其对中医对外交流的影响和对策;附录2为“如何获取美国的医务工作人员的资格”,对想在美国发展的医学生和医务人员有现实指导意义;附录3为“常用医学英语词缀表”,为学生快速牢固学习医学英语词汇提供指导;附录4为课后所有“练习的答案”,便于学生自查练习结果。  每单元中,第一篇课文多为英美国家从事现代医学工作和研究的专家书写;第二篇课文多为英美国家从事中医学习和研究的专家书写。所有文章语言地道,风格各有特色。大部分单元中的两篇课文内容都有联系。例如,第一篇课文讲西医中的高血压,第二篇课文则讲中医对高血压的认识、辨证施治、治则、治法、养生保健等。文章选材新颖、趣味性强、针对性强。例如,选入了备受关注的禽流感、SARS、营养学研究等热门话题。  教材的难易程度定位为初、中级医学英语。  通过本教材的学习,广大学生可以从初级医学英语学起,最终达到中级医学英语程度,为学习高级医学英语打下良好的基础。


Unit OneText 1 The First Fracture May Be a Warning SignNew WordSReading Comprehension ExerciseWord-Building ExerciseText 2 School of Watering the Spleen and Traditional Chinese DietaryTherapyNew WordsReading Comprehension ExerciseTranslation ExerciseSupplementary KnowledgeUnit TwoText 1 Antibiotics Are Useless for Most Cases of BronchitisNew WordsReading Comprehension ExerciseWord—Building ExerciseText 2 Anxiety and Fe-arNew WordsReading Comprehension ExerciseTranslation ExerciseSupplementary KnowledgeUnit ThreeText 1 Diagnosis and Treatment of Kidney StonesNew WordsReading Comprehension ExerciseWord-Building ExerciseText 2 Ear Acupuncture Therapy and Scalp Acupuncture TherapyNew Words……Unit SevenUnit EightUnit NineUnit TenUnit ElevenUnit TwelveUnit ThirteenUnit FourteenUnit FifteenUnit SixteenUnit SeventeenUnit EighteenUnit NineteenUnit Twenty


  Workstation set-up If youre like most people, you are more productive and efficient at a workstation that fits your body size. Many experts suggest that the ideal workstation lets you work in natural postures that may minimize strain on your body. A workstation mismatched with your body may force vulnerable individuals into uncomfortable postures such as hunching over, slouching, straining or twisting. Some believe that working for extended lengths of time in unnatural positions may be related to musculoskeletal injury. These experts note that problems with workstation set-up for some Persons may include using a chair that is the wrong height, size or does not support your back and incorrect height of work surfaces (desktop and keyboard), monitor and source documents.  Chair: Many people find that a good chair is one that adapts to their bodies. You may want to choose one that is stable and adjusts easily for height and tilt. Consider a chair with a backrest that supports the curve of your lower (lumbar) back. Sit back in the chair when you work at a computer. Experts suggest that you consider positioning your thighs horizontal with your knees at about the same level as your hips. Rest your feet comfortably on the floor (or a footrest if you need one). Some experts advise that your chair should also:  ●Support your forearms with adjustable armrests that position your elbows near your  Waist.  ● Have a padded seat with a pan at least one inch wider than your hips and thighs.  ●Slope down slightly and allow a 2-3 finger breath-space between the seat cushion  and the back of your knees when sitting.  ●Consider a base with at least 5 points that roll on wheels (casters).  Work surfaces: Many people may be most comfortable when the height of their desks are about elbow level when sitting down. Check that there is enough room below the work surface to comfortably fit your knees and thighs. Consider having the height of the surface holding your keyboard and mouse or trackball about 1-2 inches above your thighs. Center the keyboard in front of your body. Many experts suggest that when you use a correctly positioned keyboard:  ●Your elbows stay near your body in an open angle allowing circulation to the lower arms and hands.  ●Your arms are nearly perpendicular to the floor.  ●Your wrists are nearly straight.  You may be more comfortable if you use your arm, not just your wrist, to move the mouse. Choose a mouse that fits the size of your hand comfortably and is as flat as possible to minimize wrist strain.




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