
出版时间:2007-9  出版社:上海科学技术出版社  作者:钟乐平 编  页数:210  


  为配合教育部最新颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》的执行,提高学生的自主学习能力,我们精心编写了与国家级重点教材《21世纪大学英语读写教程(修订版)》相配套的辅助学习材料——《自主学习导读》(1-4册),以配合该教材的实施。  这套《自主学习导读》共分四册.分别针对教材1-4册的内容按单元编写而成。内容涉及每个单元的课文概要、文章结构、难句英汉释义、重点词汇和短语的辨析、句子结构的讲解等,旨在帮助学生更加透彻地理解原文。同时,还为课文练习提供了部分答案。  本《自主学习导读》的一大特色就是为每一单元精心提供了一个单元测试,这些测试完全针对改革后的大学英语四六级考试(710分)新题型,由多项内容组成.包括有:选词填空、快速阅读理解、仔细阅读理解、完形填空、简答、改错、句子翻译和写作等,目的在于帮助学生巩固课堂所学知识,提高语言技能和应试能力.以优异成绩通过四六级考试。


Unit OneText A Who Is GreatText B How to Be a LeaderText C The Greatest People in the WorldKey to the ExercisesTest OneUnit TwoText A The Gratitude We NeedText B Why Manners MatterText C Courtesy: Key to a Happier WorldKey to the ExercisesTest TwoUnit ThreeText A How to Change Your Point of ViewText B Lateral and Vertical ThinkingText C Common Types of Problem SolvingKey to the ExercisesTest ThreeUnit FourText A How to Become GiftedText B The Truth About College TeachersText C Were the RetardsKey to the ExercisesTest FourUnit FiveText A Prison StudiesText B Reading for LifeText C Moon on a Silver SpoonKey to the ExercisesTest FiveUnit SixText A The EQ FactorText B Whats Your Emotional IQText C A Classic Study of Environmental InfluenceKey to the ExercisesTest SixUnit SevenText A My Fathers SonText B An Open Letter to a Young Person with an EnemyText C My Brothers WayKey to the ExercisesTest SevenUnit EightText A My Graduation SpeechText B The Four Marks of LeadershipText C Inaugural AddressKey to the ExercisesTest EightKeys to the Tests主要参考书目




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