
出版时间:2010-5  出版社:上海人民美术出版社 上海人民美术出版社 (2010-05出版)  作者:上海人民美术出版社 编  页数:167  


  Shanghai is a sea city .It neighbors the sea into which the Yangtze River flows through here. Although younger than those cities with centuries-old history and grand imperial palaces, Shanghais feature is most apparent in its vigor and living ness.  Shanghai is deep like a sea. It opens its arms wide and welcomes whatever and who ever from the all corners of the world .It is this magnanimity and comprehensibility that make Shanghai a cosmopolitan city.  Shanghai is colorful like a sea. Either the material abundance or the spiritual enrichment helps make Shanghai a fresh and enchanting city.  The theme of Shanghai Expo embodies a universal hope for "Better City , Better Life". And the China Pavilion and Expo Axis have become new landmarks of Shanghai.


Chapter1 History·ShanghaiSix-Thousand-Year-Old Majiabang CultureFive-Thousand-Year-Old Songze CultureFour-Thousand-Year-Old Liangzhu CultureSmall Fishing Net Develops Big ShanghaiFather River and Mother RiverRemarkable Place Fostering Outstanding PeopleA-Hundred-Year-Old “0riental Paris” ShinesChina'S No.Is in ShanghaiConentsChapter2 Architecture·ShanghaiShikumen:A Scroll of Common Daily LifeOld Storied Houses:An Old Dream of the Wealthy and DignitariesFormer Residences of Celebrities:Authentic Records of Influential FiguresThe Bund:Magnificent Living-Room of ShanghaiChapter3 Features·ShanghaiNew Bund with a New LookWaIl Street of the Far EastPudong:A Resplendent Oriental PearlPeople's Square:The Beating Heart of ShanghaiNanjing Road:No.1 Commercial Street of ChinaHuaihai Road:The Champs Elysees Avenue of ShanghaiHengshan Road:Elegance Shaded by Phoenix TreesFenyang Road:Flowing Music and PoetryXujiahui:Headspring of Vital ForcesDuolun Road Cultural StreetCity God Temple:Black Tiles and Red ColumnsScarce Pure Land of the CityChapter4 Life·ShanghaiRestaurants:Heaven of CuisinesSnacks:Make Taste Bud in Full BloomBars:Shelter of Urban SoulsExcursions:Pondering over the Details of the CityChapter5 Countryside·ShanghaiSongjiang:Xanadu of Emperor Shoumeng of Wu StateJiading:An Enchanting Scenic SpotQingpu:A Pearl of Watery RegionsNanhui:Key Door of the SeaThree Islands of Shanghai:Pearls in the Mouth of a Dragon







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