
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:上海人民美术出版社  作者:李守白  页数:112  


Papercutting, as one of China's most ancient art forms, has taken root and spread far and wide on the Chinese soil. It was through the influence of this art that my father became an outstanding papercutting artist. When I was a child, I would often see my father working hard at his delicate cutouts without a break by the dim light of a desk lamp. I was so curious that I would pick up the bits of paper he had cut off and dropped on the floor, hold and look closely at them in the light, and draw in the mind pictures of my future papercutting works. At last I took up a pair of scissors and began to carve out a career for myself in papercutting.This book is a sum-up of my 40-year career as a papercutting artisan, and tells foreign friends who take an interest in Chinese papercutting of what I have experienced and learned. I hope readers of this book will learn to make papercuttings with Chinese or foreign flavor and use these papercuttings in their life in China or in their own country. And when they have learned to do the typical projects described in this book, I also hope readers will be able to cut out their own creative designs by applying the same method to ordinary objects in everyday life with the simplest instruments——scissors and paper. That will make you an observant and meticulous person, who pays close attention to every detail of life and captures every touching moment and scene.Whichever country I have been in and whatever change has occurred in my living environment, I have always had in my work and life this art of papercutting and this awareness of life for company. I think papercutting is part of traditional Chinese art but nevertheless it is to be acquired by all people regardless of their nationality. Art has no borders in our modern society. To master an exotic artistic skill is to realize self-worth and self-ability. Besides, you have to put your heart and soul into the making of a cutout which requires patience, carefulness and concentration, and coordination of the mind, the eye and the hand. Therefore papercutting may release you from the stress of your job and enrich your life. Also, this craft needing the use of the hands may be good to your health. To conclude, I hope this book will help you grasp the basic skills and techniques of Chinese papercutting and produce your own excellent works full of inspiration. Innovation and imagination know no bounds. Wish you success in papercutting!


This is a very useful book for foreigners who are, or may get interested in Chinese papercutting. It features stepby-step directions, varied projects, clear diagrams, vivid photos, attractive patterns and practical guidelines for creating new designs. As a branch of folk arts,papercutting reflects Chinese culture in the past and at present. By learning the projects offered by this book, you will have a taste of Chinese life and culture.


IntroductionTools and MaterialsScissor CuttingKnife Cutting Combined with Scissor CuttingCreate Your Own Designs from Real LifeTools and Materials Suppliers








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  •   价格有点高,觉得可以赠送点彩纸和非金属尖锐剪刀之类的东西。书封面旧了似的,随便翻了几页希望小孩子好理解

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