出版时间:2006-1 出版社:上海人民美术出版社 作者:Shen YiCheng 页数:179
上海是生机勃勃;上海是五光十色;上海是海纳百川;上海是历史悠悠;上海是摩登现代;上海有她说不完到不尽的故事;上海很难用简单的几句话来含概。上海原本只是吴淞江下游的一个小渔村,而如今却已成为了中国乃至全世界都瞩目的繁华都市,这更不是用浅浅的言语能道得清说得明的。 上海有着她独特的韵味,酝酿出一种与众不同的文化,叫做“海派”。本书的作者从上海的历史、建筑说到文化、生活,深入浅出的将“海派”文化呈现在读者面前,更通过对上海近代历史的揣摩,透析出上海移民文化的悠长渊源。 《上海/走近中国》是一本集上海历史、优秀建筑、都市文化、城市民俗、宗教信仰、旅游观光、餐饮娱乐等于一体的城市文化导读,是一本将上海介绍给世界的优秀读物。如果您也想更多得了解这个时尚的魅力之都,那就让我们一起翻开这本《上海/走近中国》。
Chapter 1 History·Shanghai Six-Thousand-Year-Old Majiabang Culture Five-Thousang-Year-Old Songze Culure Four-Thousand-Year-Old Liangzhu Culture Small Fishing Net Develops Big Shanghai Father River and Mother River Remarkable Place Fostering Outstanding People A-Hundred-Year-Old“Oriental Paris”Shines China's No.Is in ShanghaiChapter 2 Architecture·Shanghai Shikumen:A Scroll of Common Daily Life Old Storied Houses:An Old Dream of the Wealthy and Dightaries Former Residences of Celebrities:Authentic Records of Influential Figures The Bund:Magnificent Living-Room of ShanghaiChapter 3 Feaures·Shanghai New Bund with a New Look Wall Street of the Far EAST Pudong:A Resplendent Heart of Shanghai Nanjing Roak:No.1 Commercial Street of China ……Chapter 4 Life·ShanghaiChapter 5 Countryside·Shanghai
插图:A city's cosmopolitanism is most apparent in its buildings and Shanghai is no different. As the saying goes,architecture is concretionary music. Buildings are the annals of the world. When music and legends keep silent,they keep telling permanence. Buildings in Shanghai also show its history. Shikumen houses(stone gatehouses)are Shanghai's indigenous urban architectural feature,and they are the remains of old Shanghai and express its people’s genuine life.01dhouses in Shanghai are the most amazing chapter in Shanghai’s history. Without them,Shanghai is no longer Shanghai. Shanghai boasts an amazing spread of architectural designs and each holds its own tales and history. More than 1,400 old buildings with a variety of architectural styles are the most vivid and telling faces of Shanghai,tracking down the ghosts of the past.