
出版时间:2005-2  出版社:上海教育出版社  作者:《导学与测试牛津英语一课一练》编写组 编  页数:141  


  伴随着国家课程标准的改革和实施,上海的二期课改也在全面推进,致力于培养具有创新精神和实践能力的全面发展的一代新人。上海二期课改英语教材改革起步早,从1998年正式启动至今已有十多年。高中《英语(牛津上海版)》试验教材,作为引进教材的借鉴价值非常显著,使用效果明显,在上海市二期课改英语学科的教改探索中发挥了积极的推动作用,在此基础上修订的试用本保留试验本精华,推陈出新,使其更符合学生的实际需要。  为了更好地使用试用本教材,使它的先进编写理念得到实质贯彻,语言目标得到具体实现,我们专门组织了一批富有实践经验的专家和实验区优秀骨干教师共同研究,联合编写这本密切配合修订后的教材教学的辅导读物《导学与测试牛津英语一课一练》丛书。其用意是竭尽全力地帮助广大中小学生对新教材的学习与实践。




Unit 1 What is beauty?Unit 2 Laughter healsUnit 3 ColoursMid-term Examination(A)Mid-term Examination (B)Unit 4 Painting the worldUnit 5 Living in harmonyUnit 6 Problems and solutionsEnd-term Examination (A)End-term Examination (B)Tapescripts


  Most fish, as we know, cannot live without water. Indeed we often speak of people whoare out of their natural element as being like fish out of water. If a fish is brought out of itsnatural element it gasps for a time and then dies because as soon as its gills stop being wet, itcannot breathe. But there is one strange fish which often leaves the water, travels inland, andactually climbs trees. It is called the climbing perch and lives in Burma and India.  The fish always has a good reason for leaving its watery home. It never thinks ofwandering unless it fears that there is a drought at hand. Since it does not want to be stranded,it sets out to look for a deeper pool or river. It has spiny fins which help it to walk over the landin search of a new home.  To keep it alive, it has at each side of its head a kind of store-cupboard where it can storesupplies of water. This keeps its gills wet, and gives it a chance to breathe until it has reachedthe safety of another pool.  Perhaps the perch may be a long time in finding a new pool. If this happens the wise littlefish knows that there is water to be found in the hole of a tree. It keeps this as a last hope and,if its store of water is nearly at an end, it begins to climb a tree. The journey is very slow, butat last the perch reaches its goal, and is rewarded by finding the water which means new lifeto it.  53. The climbing perch leaves the water  A. when it is hungry  B. when it cannot breathe properly  C. when it wants to climb a tree  D. when the water is drying up  54. How does the climbing perch move about on land?  A. It uses its fins as legs.  B. It jumps from pool to pool.  C. It sticks to the ground with its gill-covers.  D. It moves on its stomach.  55. The climbing perch is more likely than most fish to  A. stay alive in dry weather  B. be eaten by its enemies  C. live in running water  D. be different to catch  56. What is the most suitable name for this story?  A. How a Fish Climbs a Tree  B. The Habit of the Climbing Perch  C. How Fish Stay Alive on Land  D. A Strange Fish



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