出版社:上海教育出版社 作者:《牛津英语一课一练导学与测试》编写组 编 页数:156
伴随着国家课程标准的改革和实施,上海的二期课改也在全面推进,致力于培养具有创新精神和实践能力的全面发展的一代新人。上海二期课改教材起步早,从1998年正式启动至今已有6年的试验。自2004年秋,上海二期课改新教材将在全市小学起始年级全面推广并逐步发展到初中、高中各个年级。目前,二期课改发展的势态良好,先进的教育思想和教学理念,正在有计划、有步骤、有策略地落实中。 为了配合上海二期课改的发展,满足日益增长的新教材使用学校师生的需要,上海几家出版新教材的出版社(上海教育出版社、华东师大出版社、上海科技出版社、上海外语教育出版社、少年儿童出版社)在精心出版二期课改新教材的同时,专门组织了一批富有实践经验的专家和实验区优秀骨干教师共同研究,联合编写这套《上海二期课改新教材学习指导》丛书。其用意是,尽心竭力地帮助广大中小学生新教材的学习与实践。
Module 1 Food and drinksUnit l A surprise birthday partyUnit 2 Growing smart, growing strongUnit 3 The international food festivalUnit 4 How is food made?Module 2 Garden City and its neighboursUnit 1 Writing a tourist guideUnit 2 Going to see a filmUnit 3 Santa Claus is coming to town!Unit 4 Shops and marketsMid-term examination ⅠMid-term examination ⅡModule 3 ChangeUnit 1 Changing our livesUnit 2 We love all four seasonsUnit 3 In the futureUnit 4 A more enjoyable school lifeModule 4 The natural elementsUnit 1 Electricity todayUnit 2 The wind is blowingUnit 3 Water FestivalUnit 4 A visit to the Space MuseumEnd-term examination ⅠEnd-term examination ⅡTapescriptsKeys
In the sea, bigger fish often eat the smaller ones. But sometimes a small fish can be grea! too ! There is a small fish like this in the American cartoon film Shark Tale. It just came out in October. In the film, Oscar is a small fish and talks a lot. He has very big dreams 梦想). He wants to be the No. 1 fish in the sea! But, in fact, he is only a cleaner. Angie is his friend. She often helps him. She thinks Oscar does a good job and she loves Oscar. One day, a shark named Frar tkie dies. An anchor (船锚) hits him. But Oscar says he Klled Frankie ! So, he quickly becomes a hero (英雄). People call him the Shark Killer. But its not a fun game. Oscar gets into a lot of trouble ! Frankies father, Don Lino, is the shark head. He wants Oscar to die for his son, and sends a group of fish to get him! Oscar also meets Lola. Lola is a pretty but bad fish. She tries to make Oscar like her. Can Oscar learn a lesson in life, and find Angies love for him? You have to watch the film to find out. A. Tell whether the following statements are true or false. () 1. Smaller fish never eat the bigger ones. () 2. One day, Oscar kills a shark named Frankie. So, he quickly becomes a hero. () 3. People call Oscar the Shark Killer, because he never dares to kill a shark. () 4. Angie and Lola are both Oscars friends. B. Choose the best answer. () 1. The story mainly tells us A. how to become the No. 1 fish in the sea B. why people call Oscar Shark Killer C. how Oscar finds Angies love for him D. something about the cartoon movie Shark Tale () 2. From the story we can tell