
出版时间:2004-8  出版社:上海教育出版社  作者:《初中英语词汇宝》编写组 编  页数:39  




Module 1 Garden City and its neighbours  Unit 1 An exhibition  Unit 2 At the airport  Unit 3 Dragon Boat Festival  Unit 4 Work and playModule 2 Change  Unit 1 What will be ?  Unit 2 Season changes  Unit 3 Travelling in Garden City  Unit 4 Making a modelModule 3 The natural elements  Unit 1 Controlling fire  Unit 2 Widy weather  Unit 3 Sea water and rain water  Unit 4 Forests and landModule 4 Relationships  Unit 1 Visiting relatives  Unit 2 Our animal friends  Unit 3 Friends from other countriesModule 5 My neighbourhood  Unit 1 Jobs people do   Unit 2 Choosing a new flat  Unit 3 Different places  Unit 4 Signs and rules



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