
出版时间:2004-8  出版社:上海教育出版社  作者:本书编写组  页数:68  


  《小学英语词汇宝(5年级第1学期)(语音版)》主要内容包括:module 1 getting to know you;module 2 me,my family and friends;module 3 places and activities;module 4 the natural world等内容。


Module 1 Getting to know you  Unit 1 Can I do this?  Unit 2 This is What want  Unit 3 This is what I need  More oral PracticeModule 2 Me,my family and friends  Unit 1 Me  Unit 2 Are you happy?  Unit 3 A birthday party  More oral PracticeModule 3 Places and activities  Unit 1 A day at school  Unit 2 Let's go shopping!  Unit 3 Follow the signs!  More oral PracticeModule 4 The natural world  Unit 1 Wlid animals  Unit 2 Butterflies  Unit 3 Parks and places in China  More oral Practice词汇表



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