
出版时间:2008-5  出版社:上海教育出版社  作者:倪雅菁,毛琪毅 著  页数:116  


  《牛津英语实践与评估(上海版)(6年级第1学期)(6A)》系《牛津英语》(上海版)六年级第一学期的课外读物。该书题型多样。内容丰富,既注重基础知识的巩固,又强调听、说、读、写综合能力的培养。对掌握《牛津英语》(上海版)起到补充、发展和强化的作用。  《牛津英语实践与评估(上海版)(6年级第1学期)(6A)》由牛津大学出版社特请有关专家编写,并配音带,由上海教育出版社和牛津大学出版社合作出版。


Part 1: Practice by UnitModul 1:RelationshipUnit 1 Meet my familyUnit 2 Good friendsUnit 3 Lets go!WritingModul 2:My neighbourhoodUnit I Peoples jobsUnit 2 My homeUnit 3 My streetUnit 4 RulesWritingModul 3:Food and drinksUnit 1 Shopping at the supermarketUnit 2 Favourite food and drinksUnit 3 Good food, bad foodUnit 4 Food from other countriesWritingModul 4:Garden City and its neighboursUnit 1 Out and aboutUnit 2 HolidaysUnit 3 Festivals in ChinaUnit 4 Sports and activitiesWritingModul 5:ChangeUnit 1 Growing upUnit 2 The weatherUnit 3 Changes in ShanghaiUnit 4 How people changeWritingPart 2: Exam PracticesModule 1: RelationshipsModule 2: My neighbourhoodModule 3: Food and drinksModule 4: Garden City and its neighboursModule 5: ChangeAnswers and Tapescripts



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