出版时间:2005-2 出版社:上海教育 作者:杨放 编 页数:97
为了帮助我国广大英语教师更好地贯彻新课程标准的精神,更好地实施新课标教材,汤姆森学习出版集团的优秀作者和我国的一些优秀英语教研员和英语教师,根据中学英语教学的实际情况,采用任务型教学模式编写了这套汤姆森·新课标英语学习丛书。你手中的这《英语阅读与表达:8年级(下册)》便是该丛书中《英语阅读与表达系列》中的一册。 《英语阅读与表达系列》以新课标为指导,以话题和功能为主线,以任务型教学模式为编写方法,通过“Pre-reading,Reading(3 passages)Putting it all Together,Additional Practice”四大部分考察学生英语阅读水平及综合运用语言的能力,并在大量练习中渗透文化背景、学习策略、情感态度等方面的学习。考虑到我国广大地区现行中高考的实际情况,我们也特别安排了一些我国标准化考试中常见的练习题型。 本系列所有文章不仅原汁原味,而且非常具有针对性。各种练习题型也丰富多样,图文并茂,相信你一定会喜欢。
Unit 1 Life in the FutureUnit 2 I Have a ProblemUnit 3 The Case of the Missing DiamondsUnit 4 What Did You Say?Unit 5 What Will Happen if I Do This?Unit 6 Whats YourHobby?Unit 7 I Am So Annoyed!Unit 8 Thats Not Special Enough!Unit 9 Have You Ever Been On A Rollercoaster?Unit 10 Small TalkAnswer key
Sally: Many scientists say that pollution is agrowing problem around the world. In 100 years, I think there will be more pollution,especially in the cities. There will be morepeople, more cars, and bigger cities. Andthere will also be fewer trees and animals.Joe: But technology is becoming so advanced.I think technology will help clean up the pollution problem. In 100 years, I thinkthere will be less pollution. Also people will do things electronically o. Forexample, I think there will be less paper money and more credit cards. Also, therewill be robots to help them do their work so people will have more leisure time.They wont have to work such long hours and they will be able to spend moretime with their families and pets.Ming: Hmm. In 100 years, I think there will be robots in peoples homes, but Ithink people will still have less leisure time. People will work more at theoffice.Also, I dont think there will be enough houses in the cities so some people willhave to live in space —— in apartments on the moon or other planets. There are Exploration Rovers landing on Mars now. I think in 100 years, rockets willbe flying to space stations on Mars.
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