出版时间:2009-12 出版社:北京市科学技术委员会 北京科学技术出版社 (2009-12出版)
特载 Special Issue 北京市中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2008—2020年) The Outline of Beijing Municipal Plan for Medium to Long—term Scientific and Technological Development(2008—2020) 中关村科技园区发展战略纲要(2008—2020年) The Outline of Development Strategy for Zhongguancun Science Park(2008—2020) 2008年中关村指数报告 Report on Zhongguancun Index of 2008 大事记 Chronicle 2008年北京市科学技术大事记 Chronicle of Beijing Science and Technology in 2008 科技管理与服务 Management and Service of Science and Technology 综合管理 Integcative Management 计划实施 Plan for Implementation 辅助决策 Assisting the Decision—Making 科技条件 Science and Technology Condition 科技服务 Science and Technology Service 研究与开发 Research and Development 基础研究 Basic Research 社会发展科技 Science and Technology for Social Development 农业科技 Science and Technology for Agriculture 科技奥运 Olympic Science and Technology 高新技术及其产业 Hi—tech and it's Industries 电子信息技术 Electronics and IT Technologies 先进制造技术 Advanced Manufacture Technologies 生物工程与新医药技术 Bioengineering and New Medical Technologies 新材料与新能源技术 New Materials and New Energy Technologies 中关村科技园区 Zhongguancun Science Park 园区建设 Park Construction 产业基地 Industrial Base 投资与融资 Investment and Financing 归国创业 Homecoming Entrepreneurship 知识产权 Intellectual Property Rights 专利管理与服务 Management and Service of Patents 专利保护 Patents Protection 知识产权统筹协调 Overall Consideration and Coordination of Intellectual Property Rights 质量技术监督 Technical Supervision over Quality 标准 Standard 计量 Metrology 质检科研 Quality Inspection Research 高校科技 Science and Technology in Institutions of Higher Education 合作与交流 Cooperation and Exchange 科学技术普及 Science and Technology Popularization 城乡科普 Science and Technology Popularization in Urban and Rural Areas 青少年科普 Science and Technology Popularization for Youngsters 重点科普活动 Focusing Science and Technology Popularization Activities 区县科技 Science and Technology for Districts and Counties 重大科技成果 Great Science and Technology Achievements 2008年度国家最高科学技术奖简介 Brief Introduction of the Highest Award for State Science and Technology in 2008 2008年度国家自然科学奖二等奖简介 Brief Introduction of the Second Award for National Natural Science in 2008 2008年度国家技术发明奖一等奖简介 Brief Introduction of the First Award for National Technology Invention in 2008 2008年度国家技术发明奖二等奖简介 Brief Introduction of the Second Award for National Technology Invention in 2008 2008年度国家科学技术进步奖特等奖简介 Brief Introduction of the Special Award for National Science and Technology Progress in 2008 2008年度国家科学技术进步奖一等奖简介 Brief Introduction of the First Award for National Science and Technology Progress in 2008 2008年度北京市科学技术奖一等奖简介 Brief Introduction of the First Award for Beijing Science and Technology in 2008 政策法规选 Selected Policies and Regulations 中华人民共和国专利法 Patent Law of the People's Republic of China 关于修改《国家科学技术奖励条例实施细则》的决定 Decision on Amending the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulation on National Science and Technology Awards 北京市人民政府关于在中关村科技园区开展政府采购自主创新产品试点工作的意见 Opinions of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality on Pilot Operation of Government Procurement of Indigenous Innovation Products in Zhongguancun Science Park 北京市行政事业单位国有资产出租、出借、对外投资、担保管理暂行办法 Interim Measures of Beijing Municipality for Leasing,Lending,Overseas Investment and Guaranteeing of State—owned Assets of State Organs and Public Institutions 含有密码技术的信息产品政府采购规定 Regulations on Government Procurement of Information Products Containing Cryptographic Technique 北京市科技计划国家科技秘密项目(课题)保密管理办法 Measures for Keeping Secrets of National Science and Technology Secret Programs/Projects under Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Plan 北京市科技保密专项经费管理办法 Regulations of Beijing Municipality on Special Funds for Keeping Science and Technology Secrets 北京市科技计划项目(课题)档案管理办法 Measures of Beijing Municipality for Archives Science and Technology Planning Programs/Projects 进一步推进中关村科技园区百家创新型企业试点工作的若干意见 Several Opinions on Further Promoting the Pilot Operation of the 100 Innovative Enterprises in Zhongguancun Science Park 首都大型仪器设备共享平台运行管理办法(试行) Measures for the Operation and Management of the Capital's Sharing Platform of the Large—scale Equipment and Instruments(For Trial Implementation) 北京市中小企业创业投资引导基金实施暂行办法 Interim Measures of Beijing Municipality for Directing Funds in Starting a Business for Medium and Small—sized Enterprises 北京市高新技术企业认定管理工作实施方案 Implementation Plan of Beijing Municipality on Management and Determination of Hi—tech Enterprises 北京市发明专利奖励办法实施细则(试行) Detailed Implementation Rules of Beijing Municipality on Awards for Patents(For Trial Implementation) 北京市文化创意产业知识产权保护与促进意见 Opinions of Beijing Municipality on Protecting and Promoting the Intelligent Property Rights in Cultural and Creative Industry …… 统计资料 Statistical Data 附录 Appendix 索引 Index
版权页: 插图: (医疗卫生领域重大项目组织管理经验交流会)3月20日,市科委生物医药处召开“北京市科委医疗卫生领域重大项目组织管理经验交流会”。项目主持单位的领导、科技管理部门负责人、重大项目负责人等共80余人参会。市科委副主任杨伟光及相关处室领导出席了会议。会议从2002年至今已立项的30个重大项目中选取了12项,由10家承担单位进行汇报。12个重大项目涉及应用基础、临床、卫生服务、公共卫生及健康管理等方面,相关人员针对政府关注的热点、难点,临床实际需求和关键技术创新突破,从选题、立项、实施、推广的不同侧面介绍了项目组织管理经验。科技部社发司、卫生部科教司以及医疗卫生领域资深管理专家进行点评。 (市科委生物医药处) (2008“最受尊敬的创业天使”评选)3月21日,由新浪网、中国人民大学文化科技园、创业未来传媒机构主办的第二届“最受尊敬的创业天使”颁奖典礼及论坛在中国人民大学举行。长江商学院、深圳证券交易所、《赢在中国》制片人王利芬、清华创业园罗建北、阿里巴巴董事局主席兼首席执行官马云、上海盛大网络发展有限公司董事长陈天桥、联想投资总裁朱利楠、SOHO中国区总裁潘石屹、百度创始人及首席执行官李彦宏、易中创业咨询公司董事长兼总裁宋新宇获2008“最受尊敬的创业天使”称号。本届论坛由“企业融资与创业板”、“创业家与中国机会”两部分组成。