
出版时间:2006-9  出版社:北京科学技术出版社  作者:李佐文 编  页数:530  


  《研究生英语教程》最大的特点是以文化为主线,主要目的是培养研究生的篇章阅读能力,同时还侧重写作基本功的训练,尤其是对中西方的文化差异进行了非常详尽的对比。读者在提高语言技能的同时能够更加清楚地了解中西文化对语言造成的差异。  本教程主要有以下几个特点:  1. 课文选材范围广泛选文涉及西方的政治、外交、婚姻、教育、男女交谈问题、英语语言的发展等各个方面。同时涉及到一些人生励志的经典文章和以西方的视角来看待中国的文章。内容丰富,趣味性强。  2. 语言地道,表达准确经过多次筛选,所选文章均为地道的英美佳作,很多文章堪称英文经典,可读性强。  3. 写作部分学用结合写作部分讲练安排合理,既重视基本写作技能训练,又注重实际应用能力的培养,能够有效地提高研究生的写作水平。  4. 文化部分妙趣横生从语言学的角度探讨了语言与文化的关系,学生能够对其二者的关系有非常深刻的认识,并通过中西文化差异对比,开阔学生视野,学习语言的同时,学习文化。  5. 题型多样,难度适宜练习设计多样。有多项选择题、问答题、讨论题、词汇题、改错题和翻译题等,每一课的热身活动(Warming-up Activities)能够给学生更多的听说的机会。


Unit 1 Two Truths to Live ByIn-Class ReadingTwo Truths to Live ByAfter-Class ReadingClearing in the SkyWritingChapter 1 The Four Steps for Effective Paragraph Writing (Part Ⅰ)Unit 2 The Future of EnglishIn-Class ReadingThe Future of EnglishAfter-Class ReadingThe Romance of WordsLanguage and CultureChapter 1 Language and Culture: An IntroductionUnit 3 I Have a DreamIn-Class ReadingI Have a DreamAfter-Class ReadingConflict in Black and WhiteWritingChapter 2 The Four Steps for Effective Paragraph Writing (Part Ⅱ)In-Class ReadingThe Fifth FreedomAfter-Class ReadingU.S. Higher EducationLanguage and CultureChapter 2 Word Meaning and Culture ( Part Ⅰ)Unit 5 Why Is It So Hard for Men and Women to Talk to Each OtherIn-Class ReadingWhy Is It So Hard for Men and Women to Talk to Each Other?After-Class ReadingMarital QuarrelsWritingChapter 3 Paragraph Unity, Support and CoherenceUnit 6 The Lady , or the Tiger?In-Class ReadingThe Lady, or the Tiger? (Part Ⅰ)After-Class ReadingThe Lady, or the Tiger? (Part Ⅱ)Language and CultureChapter 3 Word Meaning and Culture ( Part Ⅱ)Unit 7 Mark Twain——Mirror of AmericaIn-Class ReadingMark Twain——-Mirror of AmericaAfter-Class ReadingThe Damned Human RaceWritingChapter 4 Paragraph Development——Providing Examples and Explaining a ProcessUnit 8 From Popping the Question to Popping the PillUnit 9 Inaugural AddressUnit 10 My WoodUnit 11 Science and the Scientific AttitudeUnit 12 THe Last LeafUnit 13 Three Days to SeeUnit 14 China Finds Western Ways Bring New WoesUnit 15 Higher Education Crosses Borders



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