
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:北京教育  作者:《长喜英语》图书编委会 编  




Key to Model Test OneKey to Model Test TwoKey to Model Test ThreeKey to Model Test FourKey to Model Test FiveKey to Model Test SixKey to Model Test SevenKey to Model Test EightKey to Model Test NineKey to Model Test Ten


  15. (A) Buy a new suit. (B) Wait until the sale is over.   (C) Return his suits to Conrad's. (D) Watch for the ad on television.   16. (A) He wants to know the nurse's phone number.   (B) He might enroll in the weight reduction program.   (C) He'd like to get more information about the nurse.   (D) He might find some time to give the woman a call.   17. (A) At the airport. (B) At the reception desk.   (C) In a hotel. (D) In a travel agency.   18. (A) The man does not want to move his seat at all.   (B) The woman does not like to sit in the front section.   (C) The man sat in the middle section at the beginning.   (D) The woman does not know what happened just now.   Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.   19. (A) The size of the campus. (B) The city bus system.   (C) The length of time for each class. (D) The university bus system.   20. (A) The entire campus. (B) Part of the campus.   (C) The campus and the city. (D) Only the off-campus areas.   21. (A) Nothing. (B) Three dollars.   (C) A few cents. (D) Fifty cents.   22. (A) Red. (B) Green. (C) Yellow. (D) Blue.   Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.   23. (A) He might do some evening teaching.   (B) He could bring unfinished work home.   (C) He might have time to pursue his interests.   (D) He could invest more emotion in his family.   24. (A) To be a mathematician. (B) To write his own books.   (C) To teach in high school. (D) To be a medical doctor.   25. (A) For an easy grade. (B) To follow his father.   (C) To change his specialty. (D) For knowledge of poetry.  ……




    长喜英语·大学四六级英语系列·2012年大学英语4级考试王长喜英语预测试卷 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计5条)


  •   快递速度很快,货也很好
  •   题还可以,就是答案册的印刷错误太多了吧
  •   正在被单词呢
  •   不错。 大家都推荐。
  •   还不错 复习应该不错

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