
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:北京出版集团公司,北京教育出版社  作者:刘强 编  页数:314  




  上册  预备级  Module 1 My teacher and my friends  Unit 1   Unit 2  Unit 3  单元总结    Module 2 My classroom and my body  Unit 1   Unit 2  Unit 3  单元总结     Module 3 Coloursthings and food  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   单元总结     Module 4 Activities and the weather  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   单元总结     新授课  Moduie 1 Nice to meet you  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   单元总结     Module 2 Me,my parents and my friends   Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   单元总结     Module 3 MY new school  Unit 1  Unit 2   Unit 2   单元总结     Module 4 My family  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   单元总结     Module 5 Healthy food  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   单元总结     Module 6 An invitation to the cinema  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3     Module 7 My school day  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   单元总结     Module 8 Different habits   Unit 1   Unit 2  Unit 3  单元总结    Module 9 A trip to the ZOO   Unit 1  Unit 2  Unit 3  单元总结    Module 10 Computers  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   单元总结     下册  Module 1 People and places  Unit 1  Unit 2  Unit 3  单元总结    Module 2 Spring Festival   Unit 1  Unit 2  Unit 3  单元总结    Module 3 Plans   Unit 1   Unit 2  Unit 3  单元总结    Module 4 Life in the future  Unit 1  Unit 2  Unit 3  单元总结    Module 5 My hometown and country  Unit 1  Unit 2  Unit 3  单元总结    Module 6 The Olympic adventure  Unit 1  Unit 2  Unit 3   单元总结    Module 7 Planesboats and trains  Unit 1   Unit 2  Unit 3  单元总结    Module 8 My past life  Unit 1   Unit 2  Unit 3  单元总结    Module 9 Story time  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3  单元总结    Module 10 Life history   Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   单元总结     Module 11 Nationa!heroes   Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   单元总结     Module 12 A holiday journey  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   单元总结


  One day Mark Twain told a storyabout his first money. Schoolboys in those days didn't re-spect their teachers. They didn'ttake care of school things, either. Theschool had a rule:If a student damaged his desk, the teacher would beathim in front of the whole school, or thestudent had to pay five dollars. Mark Twain once found his deskwas damaged in some way, he had to tellhis father about the school's rule. His fa-ther thought it would be too bad if theteacher beat his son in public , sohe agreed to give him five dollars. Butbefore giving him the money, the fathergave his son a good beating. The next dayMark Twain decided he would take an-other beating at school, so he could keepthe five dollars. In this way, he got hisfirst money.





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