
出版时间:2006-8  出版社:北京教育  作者:朱京力  页数:223  字数:228000  


听力导航    本栏目对各单元话题,进行总体的介绍,并详细讲解了听力技巧和解题思路,引导同学们找到一条迅速提高听力水平的捷径。    精彩聚焦    日积月累,焦腋成裘。将每一听力话题中常用的词汇、常用语、关键词归纳总结,呈献给同学们,有助于同学们总结、记忆、积累,丰富知识库。    突破训练    围绕本单元话题,精选了多种题型,科学设计,合理分配,配以标准纯正录音,有助于同学们强化训练,增强应试能力。     轻松一刻    兴趣是最好的老师,在学习之余,为同学们搜集整理了一些妙趣横生的英语幽默、笑话等课外趣味阅读小材料,既能学习英语又能开怀一笑。




Unit 1 打电话Unit 2 购物Unit 3 健康与饮食Unit 4 道歉与感谢Unit 5 比较Unit 6 兴趣与爱好Unit 7 文体活动Unit 8 谈论天气Unit 9 节假日Unit 10 世界与环境Unit 11 请求和建议Unit 12 计划和愿望Unit 13 给出观点和作出评论Unit 14 询问和指引方向Unit 15 邀请和约会Unit 16 时间和数字Unit 17 谈论原因和结果Unit 18 谈论名人录音原文答案与点拨


  Clara Barton was a great American woman. She devoted all herlife to helping others. She founded the American Red Cross, agroup which still helps millions of people. During the Civil War shewent to the front and looked after the wounded men. She was calledthe Angel of the Battlefield. The American government didn't helpher and didn't realize how important she was until later. She realizedthat the Red Cross could help not only soldiers, but other people.Many people have been helped by the Red Cross when they needhelp most. It's true that people need help during a disaster, such asflood. Clara Barton took part in many kinds of work to help others.She also wrote books. Beethoven, a famous musician in the world, was born in Ger-many in 1770. Beethoven didn't have a happy ehildhood. His fatherwas a singer. When he was only four, his father began to make himpraetise hour after hour on different musieal instruments.  ......





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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   这本书很不错只是适合基础差点的学生,内容太简单了
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