
出版时间:2013-12  出版社:浙江工商大学出版社  作者:邹颉  






Chapter 1 Ancient Greece: Fountainhead of Western Culture
1.1 Homer's Epics
1.2 The Polis
1.3 Religion
1.4 Philosophy
1.5 Classical Philosophers
1.6 History
1.7 Poetry and Drama
1.8 The Heritage of the Greeks
Chapter 2 Ancient Rome: Pragmatic Rationality
2.1 Roman Law
2.2 Literature and Art
2.3 The Heritage of the Romans
Chapter 3 The Middle Ages: Duty of Conscience
3.1 The Rise of Christianity
3.2 Patristic Writers
3.3 Thomas Aquinas
Chapter 4 The Renaissance: Human Life in This World
4.1 The Italian Renaissance
4.2 The Northern European Renaissance
4.4 The Heritage of the Renaissance
Chapter 5 The Reformation: Split Within Western Christendom
5.1 Martin Luther
5.2 John Calvin
5.3 The Heritage of the Reformation
Chapter 6 Scientific Revolution: New Conception of the Universe
6.1 The Rise of Modern Science
6.2 Rationalism and Empiricism
6.3 New Political Theory
6.4 The Heritage of Seventeenth-century Culture
Chapter 7 The Enlightenment: Power of Reason
7.1 The Nature of the Enlightenment
7.2 Philosophy and Theology
7.3 Social Criticism
7.4 Emotion and Unreason
7.5 The Heritage of the Enlightenment
Chapter 8 The French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution: Political and Economic Transformation
8.1 The French Revolution
8.2 The Heritage of the French Revolution
8.3 The Industrial Revolution
8.4 The Impact of the Industrial Revolution
Chapter 9 Romanticism: Fresh Insight into Human Experience
9.1 The Romantic Movement
9.2 Romantic Literature
9.3 The Romantic Social and Political Thought
9.4 The Heritage of Romanticism
Chapter 10 Socialism: Faith in Human Progress
10.1 Science and Technology
10.2 Social Sciences
10.3 Marxism
10.4 Darwinism
10.5 The Middle-class Moral Attitudes
10.6 The Heritage of Socialism
Chapter 11 Psychoanalysis: Discovering Man's Inner World
11.1 Philosophy
11.2 Social Sciences
11.3 Freudian Psychology
11.4 Natural Sciences
11.5 The Heritage of Fin de Siecle Culture
Chapter 12 Contemporary Western World: Seeking a Meaningful Existence
12.1 The Legacy of War and Revolution
12.2 Natural Sciences
12.3 Social and Behavioral Sciences
12.4 Philosophy and Theology
12.5 The Heritage of the Twentieth Century



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