
出版社:朱向红、于英、 姜增彬 中国水利水电出版社 (2013-04出版)  


Unit 1  Interior Design  1.1  Elements of Interior Design  1.2  Principles of Interior Design  1.3  Learning, Lighting and Color  1.4  Indoor Lighting  1.5  Planning the Interior of a Pizza Hut Restaurant  1.6  Vertical Bathroom  1.7  Rain Cloud in the Sweet Room by Berndnaut Smilde  1.8  MyZeil  1.9  Room Planning Tips: Coffee Shop DesignUnit 2  Landscape Design  2.1  Steps in Developing a Home Landscape Design  2.2  Principles of Landscape Design  2.3  Landscape Design ExamplesUnit 3  Architecture Design  3.1  Modern Architecture Style  3.2  Basics—The Skyscraper Today  3.3  Santiago Calatrava  3.4  Norman Foster  3.5  Digital Fabrication Case Study:The Yas Hotel  3.6  Leaf HouseUnit 4  City Design and Urban Plan  4.1  Persian Garden  4.2  Italian Renaissance Garden  4.3  Central Park and Olmsted's Park Design Principles  4.4  Garden Cities  4.5  Green Belt  4.5  Zoning  4.7  New Urbanism  4.8  Hong Kong Urban Design Guide  4.9  The South Sydney Urban Design  4.10  Key Components in the Urban Structure of Edinburgh  4.11  Lyndale Green Park of Bloomington  4.12  The Palm IslandsReferences





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