出版时间:2012-4 出版社:中国社会科学出版社 作者:黄立华 页数:284
This book, which is germinated from doctoral dissertation completed in Shanghai Jiaotong University in 2008, is the result of my constant pursuit of theoretical research on Samuel Beckett's Absurd Plays. Volumous studies on Beckett's plays have been conducted in the past decades, from perspectives such as politics, philosophy, aesthetics, deconstructuralism, postmodernism, postconolism, feminism and reader reception, and so on. However, the study of metaphors in Beckett's plays, by and large, has been neglected. Accordingly, this book studies metaphors by basing on Beckett's dramatic texts and analyzing them under multiple metaphorical theories from the cognitive perspective.
ForewordPrefaceChapter One Introduction 1.1 Objectives of this research 1.2 Significance of study 1.3 Methods of study 1.4 The structure of this bookChapter Two Literature Review 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Traditional studies on metaphor 2.2.1 Metaphor in fiction and poetry 2.2.2 Metaphor in drama 2.2.3 Dramatic text and performance 2.3 Contemporary studies on metaphor 2.3.1 Semantic theory of metaphor 2.3.2 Pragmatic theory of metaphor 2.3.3 Cognitive theory of metaphor 2.3.4 Conceptual metaphor 2.3.5 Conventional and novel metaphors 2.4 Metaphor studies of Beckett's plays 2.4.1 Overview of criticism of Samuel Beekett's plays 2.4.2 Overview of metaphor studies on Beckett's plays 2.5 Summary and research questionsChapter Three Emotion Metaphors in Waiting for Godot and Krapp's Last Tape 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Emotion metaphors 3.3 Emotion metaphors in Waiting for Godot 3.4 Emotion metaphors in Krapp's Last Tape 3.5 SummaryChapter Four Time as Space Metaphors in Happy Days and Endgame 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Conceptions of time and space 4.2.1 Keshavmurti on time and space 4.2.2 Alverson on time and space 4.2.3 Lakoff on space and time 4.2.4 Lakoff and Johnson on everyday metaphor 4.3 Time as space metaphors in Happy Days and Endgame 4.4 "Time" and "oblivion" in Waiting for GodotChapter Five Image-Schema Metaphors in EndgameChapter Six Non-verbal Metaphors in Beckett's DramaticulesChapter Seven Findings and ConclusionsBibliography
It has developed powerful new theories about how the mind works, thanks in part to remarkable advances in neuroscience (Damasiol 1994). Much of the momentum behind preconceptions of the mind also has come from researchers in linguistics confronting old problems of how meaning arises (Lakoff and Johnson 1999). Theories built on the propositional model turned out to obscure such everyday phenomenon as polysemy, metaphor, analogy, irony and counterfactuals in language-the very field it is supposed to illustrate (Lakoff and Johnson 1980, Gibbs 1994). At the same time, psychologists and anthropologists began to show how the organization of knowledge at individual and societal levels determines and facilitates the formation of meaning (Dandridge 1984, Blasko and Connine 1993, Strauss and Quinn 1997). Converging evidence from these several fields shifted toward the radically new view that meaning is constructed by a mind whose work is systematically constructed by our very human experience in and of reality (Johnson 1987). These cognitive theories show how forms of communication serve as catalysts to make meaning operations including conceptual metaphor, metonymy, categorization, framing, and conceptual blending. In short, meaning is not something we simply find but something we fashion. Fauconnier and Tamer (2002) in particular propose a theory of conceptual integration that effectively explains how the inmate diversity of meaning emerges systematically from a small set of cognitive operations and how musical structure prompts the construction of meaning. We have seen cognitivism's status in music theoretic discourse. In addition, Eduard Hans lick's (1986) formalist ideology. ……