出版时间:2012-1 出版社:中国宇航出版社 作者:C.兰姆斯 页数:366
The Tempest
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Winter's Tale
Much Ado About Nothing
As You Like It
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
The Merchant of Venice
King Lear
Ali's Well That Eends Well
The Taming of the Shrew
The Comedy of Errors
Measure for Measure
Twelfth Night; or, What You Will
Timon of Athens
Romeo and Juliet
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Pericles, Prince of Tyre
"Surely," said Benedick, "I do believe your fair cousin iswronged. " "Ah! " said Beatrice, " how much might that man deserve of mewho would right her!” Benedick then said,"Is there any way to show such friendship? Ido love nothing in the world so well as you:ls not that strange?""It were as possible," said Beatrice, " for me to say I lovednothing in the world so well as you; but believe me not,and yet I lienot. I confess nothing,nor I deny nothing. I am sony for my cousin. ""By my sword~," said Benedick, " you love me, and I protest Ilove you. Come,bid me do anything for you. "" Kill Claudio , " said Beatrice. "Ha! not for the wide world,"said Benedick; for he loved hisfriend Claudio,and he believed he had been imposed upon."Is not Claudio a villain, that has slandered, scorned, anddishonored my cousin?" said Beatrice:" Othat I were a man!"" Hear me,Beatrice ! " said Benedick. But Beatrice would hear nothing in Claudio's defense; and shecontinued to urge on Benedick to revenge her cousin's wrongs: andshe said, "Talk with a man out of the window; a proper saying!Sweet Hero!she is wronged; she is slandered; she is undone. O,thatI were a man for Claudio's sake ! or that I had any friend,who wouldbe a man for my sake! but valor is melted into courtesies andcompLiments.I cannot be a man with wishing,therefore I will die awoman with grieving. " "Tarry, good Beatrice," said Benedick: "by this hand Ilove you. " ……
《我的心灵藏书馆:莎士比亚故事集(英文版)》是世界传世经典权威注释本的唯美呈现!原汁原味的著作阅读不再遥不可及! 1.权威版本,呈现原汁原味的英文名著。 本套丛书大部分参考美国企鹅出版集团出版的“企鹅经典丛书”(Penguin Classics)和英国华兹华斯出版公司出版的世界名著系列(Wordsworth Classics)两种版本进行校对。力求为读者呈现最原汁原味的英文名著。 2.名师选编,本本畅销。 本套丛书是由北京外国语大学资深教师从浩如烟海的名著世界中精选而出,并由资深翻译教授陈德彰寄语推荐。精选名著本本畅销,风靡世界数十年,尤其适合热爱英文原版名著的广大青年读者朋友阅读。 3.权威注释,精确理解原版英文名著。 本套丛书特邀北京外国语大学资深教师名师团队注释。文化背景详细注释,词汇短语详细说明,包含所有4级以上的难点词汇,使阅读毫无障碍。另外对文中的长句、难句、复杂句进行了重点分析解释,并提供译文,使英语学习者读懂名著,理解名著,爱上名著。 4.“最美图书”设计师倾情打造,精装呈现名著之美。 本套丛书特邀“最美图书”设计师进行封面设计,风格清雅脱俗。装帧精美,是广大外国名著爱好者值得收藏和分享的英语读物。