我的心灵藏书馆 泰戈尔作品集 英文版

出版时间:2012-1  出版社:中国宇航  作者:R·泰戈尔  页数:324  译者:翟康 注释  


本诗选共有六个诗集:《飞鸟集》(Stray Birds,1916)、《新月集》(The
Crescent Moon,1913)、《园丁集》(The




  65  What divine drink wouldst thou have, my God, from this overflowing cup of my life?  My poet,is it thy delight to see thy creation through my eyes and to stand at the portals of my ears silently to listen to thine own eternal harmony?  Thy world is weaving words in my mind and thy joy is adding-music to them. Thou givest thyself to me in love and then feelest thine own entire sweetness in me.  66  She who ever had remained in the depth of my being, in the twilight of gleams and of glimpses; she who never opened her veils in the morning light, will be my last gift to thee, my God, folded in my final song.  Words have wooed yet failed to win her; persuasion has stretched to her its eager arms in vain.  I have roamed from country to country keeping her in the core of my heart, and around her have risen and fallen the growth and decay of my life.  Over my thoughts and actions, my slumbers and dreams, she reigned yet dwelled alone and apart.  Many a man knocked at my door and asked for her and turned away in despair.  There was none in the world who ever saw her face to face, and she remained in her loneliness waiting for thy recognition.  67  Thou art the sky and thou art the nest as well.  O thou beautiful, there in the nest is thy love that encloses the soul with colours and sounds and odours.  There comes the morning with the golden basket in her right hand bearing the wreath of beauty, silently to crown the earth.  And there comes the evening over the lonely meadows deserted by herds,through trackless paths, carrying cool draughts of peace in her golden pitcher from the western ocean of rest.  But there, where spreads the infinite sky for the soul to take her flight in, reigns the stainless white radiance. There is no day nor night, nor form nor colour, and never, never a word.  68  Thy sunbeam comes upon this earth of mine with arms outstretched and stands at my door the livelong day to carry back to thy feet clouds made of my tears and sighs and songs.  With fond delight thou wrappest about thy starry breast that mantle of misty cloud,turning it into numberless shapes and folds and colouring it with hues ever changing.  It is so light and so fleeting, tender and tearful and dark, that is why thou lovest it,0 thou spotless and serene. And that is why it may cover thy awful white light with its pathetic shadows.  69  The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures.  It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth in numberless blades of grass and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers.  It is the same life that is rocked in the ocean-cradle of birth and of death, in ebb and in flow.  I feel my limbs are made glorious by the touch of this world of life. And my pride is from the life-throb of ages dancing in my blood this moment.  70  Is it beyond thee to be glad with the gladness of this rhythm? To be tossed and lost and broken in the whirl of this fearful joy?  All things rush on, they stop not, they look not behind, no power can hold them back, they rush on.  Keeping steps with that restless, rapid music, seasons come dancing and pass away-colours, tunes, and perfumes pour in endless cascades in the abounding joy that scatters and gives up and dies every moment.  ……




    我的心灵藏书馆 泰戈尔作品集 英文版 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计29条)


  •   大爱这本书啊!一直都很喜欢我的心灵藏书馆这一套书籍,尤其爱这本泰戈尔作品集,感觉整个心都随之宁静净化.....
  •   拿到书的时候心里是很开心的,自己挺喜欢这个封面,当然也不是仅仅因为封面才买的。自己也读过中文的泰戈尔的诗,这次想买一本原汁原味的(算得上是原汁原味吧)书,开始只读了第一首就立马跑过来写评论了,第一次购书挺满意的。书美,诗美。
  •   泰戈尔的诗集一直很喜欢,因为是英语版的,读起来还是有点吃力,可能对印度文化了解还是不够,人性本善,淡泊名利而志趣高尚的人是值得尊敬的,泰戈尔和列夫托尔斯泰就是这样的人!
  •   泰戈尔和史铁生都是我喜欢的作家,真心很好很好的书
  •   注意了,书籍是按照大学四级水平来注释的,很适合大学生和英语水平优异的高中生阅读。是部分注释不是全部翻译,这是我很喜欢的。比较适合英语爱好者,专业这建议还是自己购买全英原著。注释有的详细有的简单,都没有音标比较可惜,比较适合泛读和课外阅读,有的地方有写作手法的赏析。整体感觉是非常精心策划的一套图书。活动期间购买的,很划算,准备下次看看再有活动把第二个系列也入手了。当当的图也拍的太暗了,封面很漂亮,拿掉书封,很像包裹书皮的册子。
  •   就是喜欢。
  •   全英文的,有注释,是我想要的那种,比双语的要好。
  •   非常优美~很喜欢这一款书,下面有注释很适合阅读
  •   有详细注释
  •   很不错,如果有完整的英文翻译就更好了~
  •   推荐大学生学习英语和记单词用!
  •   排版和外观都给人很舒服的感觉,全英文,注解不多,很喜欢
  •   学英语,读美丽的文字可以培养兴趣,学起语法也事半功倍。
  •   看着很有档次,纸张也不错,就是英文版的读起来有点吃力
  •   还没有开始读,应该不会失望的
  •   十分喜欢这本书,很精美
  •   首先书的质量很好,其次书中的内容布局也很恰到好处
  •   感动了好几代人的外文经典!
  •   很好很好很好很好。正版很赞 包装不错 印刷很正 内容不错 性价比很高
  •   边有点破了,不过内容不错
  •   包装很好,,内容也不错,注解很好
  •   给室友买的,内容什么的无法坐评价,送货速度没话说
  •   书的纸质很好,内容很全面。
  •   手感好,纸张好,感觉好
  •   是不错 真品
  •   就是纸张颜色稍微显得劣质了,其实触感还是可以的。应该说是不错的书,不过当时因为在图书馆看到过另一个更好的版本一直没买到所以很遗憾,跟这个的最大区别就是纸质和彩图了吧,这个没有……
  •   内容还没具体看,但从书的外观上看,是不错的。
  •   有过太多的版本,都不为过
  •   书做的太差了

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