出版时间:2012-10 出版社:经济科学出版社 作者:陶尚芸 页数:247 字数:230000 译者:陶尚芸
培养人文素质成就国际通才 若想精通一门语言,没有对其文化背景的深入了解恐怕永远难登大雅之堂。在全球化日益成为国际主流的今天,英语作为西方文化头牌语言的重要性已日益凸显——今日世界,恐怕在地球上的任何角落人们都可以用英语问路、用英语聊天、用英语购物、用英语交友、用英语在跨文化间作深度交流。 正如许多西方人热切地想了解中国文化一样,中国的英语学习及爱好者对西方文化及人文的了解也处于热切的需求当中。是的,如果对西方的历史、文学、艺术、宗教、哲学没有一个最基本的了解,就连看好莱坞大片都会成为一个问题;而西方文化贡献给社会的普世价值恰恰是它深厚的人文传统及“民主、自由、博爱”等现代理念,不了解这些,则与任何稍有层次和品位的西方人的交流都将难以顺畅。 此外,国内的英语学习者如再停留在日常生活的EnglishInGeneral的层次上,必将难以适应深度沟通和交流的需要,因此,对专业英语及文化背景的深入了解和学习将是提升英语能力的必由之路。有鉴于此,本套丛书为读者奉上原汁原味的人文阅读精华,其或选自原典正文、或选自专业教材、或选自网络热帖,由精研此业者掇菁撷华,辑录成册,希望能帮助读者在学习英语的同时又能品味西方文化的独特魅力。在辑录过程中,我们力求摒弃学校教育的僵硬和枯燥,代之以更加生动、更加全面的通识阅读范本。我们写历史,致力于拨开其厚重压抑而倾向于读者感兴趣的文化、建筑、艺术、风俗等人文知识;我们写文学,力求抛开一般文学史纲目划分的束缚而代之以切合各国风情又适合读者阅读的脉络。 读万卷书行万里路,在我们无法踏上万里之路以愉耳目的时候,我们可以用阅读来滋养心灵,拓展人生版图。于某一日午后,抛开世俗的纷扰,挑一静谧之处,一杯香茗,几卷书册,品文化,长知识,学英语,在书页和文字之间触摸大千世界的真谛,在阅读中将知识内化成自己的修养,人生至乐。 文化共语言同飞,思想与阅读共舞。让我们的目光穿越时光、穿越语言,在原汁原味的英语阅读中品味人类文明共有的人文素质、人文素养、人文情怀、人文理念……并在此过程中成就自己的文化修养及完美人生。
Part One Thousands of Years of the Olympic History—Review the
Rise and Fall of the Olympic Games, and Enjoy the Winds and Waves
of It
第一部分 千年奥运史——回眸奥运兴衰,笑看风云起落
Chapter 1 The Ancient Olympic Games—Back to Thousands of Years
age, lay down the Weapons, and Rush to Olympia
第一章 古代奥运会——梦回千年,放下武器,奔赴奥林匹亚
Chapter 2 The Modern Olympic Games—Inheritance of Peace,
Friendship, and Harmony
第二章 现代奥运会——传承和平,传递友谊,传播和谐
Part Two The Brilliant Olympic Cities—Escort for the Holy Flame,
and Change the World into the Sea of Love
第二部分 奥运之城——为圣火护航,让世界凝聚成爱的海洋
Chapter 1 1896 Summer Olympics—Back to Athens: the Revival of
the Olympic Movement
第一章 1896年第一届雅典奥运会——重回雅典:奥林匹克运动的复兴
Chapter 2 1900 Summer Olympics—More than 5 Months of Olympics in
the New Century
第二章 1900年第二届巴黎奥运会——历时5个多月的新世纪奥
Chapter 3 1904 Summer Olympics—Cross the Oceans, and Come to
第三章 1904年第三届圣路易斯奥运会——漂洋过海,来到美洲
Chapter 4 1908 Summer Olympics—The Representatives of the five
Continents were gathered firstly in London—the Fog City
第四章 1908年第四届伦敦奥运会——五大洲代表首聚雾都伦敦
Chapter 5 1912 Summer Olympics—The First Official World Records
in the Olympic History
第五章 1912年斯德哥尔摩第五届奥运会——奥运史上第一批正式世界纪录
Chapter 6 1920 Summer Olympics—The First Peace Doves in the
Olympic History
第六章 1920年安特卫普第七届奥运会—奥运史上第一批和平鸽
Chapter 7 1924 Summer Olympics—The Olympic Motto: Faster, Higher
and Stronger
第七章 1924年巴黎第八届奥运会——“更快、更高、更强”的奥运格言
Chapter 8 1928 Summer Olympics—Relay the Olympic Flame
第八章 1928年阿姆斯特丹第九届奥运会——接力传递奥林匹克圣火
Chapter 9 1932 Summer Olympics—Get together again at the other
side of the Ocean
Chapter 10 1936 Summer Olympics—The Nazi could't prevent the
sports spirit
第十章 1936年柏林第十一届奥运会——纳粹控制不住的体育精神
Chapter 11 1948 Summer Olympics—The Flame Burned again after the
Second World War
第十一章 1948年伦敦第十四届奥运会—“二战”后再次燃烧的圣火
Chapter 12 1952 Summer Olympics—The Appearance of the New China
and the Former Soviet Union
第十二章 1952年赫尔辛基第十五届奥运会——新中国和苏联亮相
Chapter 13 1956 Summer Olympics—The Olympic Games settled down
in the 5th Continent in the World
第十三章 1956年墨尔本第十六届奥运会——奥运会落户第五大洲
Chapter 14 1960 Summer Olympics—The Olympic Flame Lit in Rome as
the Symbol of Peace and Friendship
第十四章 1960年罗马第十七届奥运会——和平与友谊的圣火在罗马燃烧
Chapter 15 1964 Summer Olympics—The first time for Asia to Gain
the Hosting
第十五章 1964年东京第十八届奥运会——奥运会首次在亚洲举办
Chapter 16 1968 Summer Olympics—At Elevations above 2000m
第十六章 1968年墨西哥第十九届奥运会——海拔2000米以上的奥运
Chapter 17 1972 Summer Olympics—The Mascot Made its Debut
第十七章 1972年慕尼黑第二十届奥运会——奥运吉祥物首次出现
Chapter 18 1976 Summer Olympics—In the Kingdom of Maples
第十八章 1976年蒙特利尔第二十一届奥运会——枫叶之国的奥运会
Chapter 19 1980 Summer Olympics—The Socialist State Host it for
the first time
第十九章 1980年莫斯科第二十二届奥运会——社会主义国家首次举办奥运会
Chapter 20 1984 Summer Olympics—Under a Commercial Mode
第二十章 1984年洛杉矶第二十三届奥运会——商业模式下的奥运会
Chapter 21 1988 Summer Olympics—The World Recalled Korea
第二十一章 1988年汉城第二十四届奥运会——世界因此重新记起韩国
Chapter 22 1992 Summer Olympics—A Great Unity of the IOC
第二十二章 1992年巴塞罗那第二十五届奥运会——奥委会成员国大团圆
Chapter 23 1996 Summer Olympics—The Centennial World Olympic
第二十三章 1996年亚特兰大第二十六届奥运会——世纪奥运,相约百年
Chapter 24 2000 Summer Olympics—The Millennium Olympic
第二十四章 2000年悉尼第二十七届奥运会——千禧年奥运盛会
Chapter 25 2004 Summer Olympics—The Flame back to Greece 108
Years later
第二十五章 2004年雅典第二十八届奥运会——108年后奥运圣火回归希腊
Chapter 26 2008 Summer Olympics—One World, One Dream
第二十六章 2008年北京第二十九届奥运会——同一个世界,同一个梦想
Chapter 27 2012 Summer Olympics—The Flame in England for the 3rd
第二十七章 2012年伦敦第三十届奥运会——奥运圣火第三次落户英伦
第一章 古代奥运会——梦回千年,放下武器,奔赴奥林匹亚 古代奥林匹克运动会是为祭祀宙斯而定期举行的体育竞技活动。它的产生与希腊当时社会的政治、经济、文化和宗教有着密切的关系。奴隶社会的希腊,战争连年不断,为了取得胜利,各个城邦都利用体育锻炼来培养身强力壮的武士,体育运动就在这种情况下发展起来,逐渐形成了有组织的运动竞赛,为奥运会的诞生打下了基础。古代奥运会从公元前776年起,到公元394年止,历经1170年,共举行了293届。运动会举行期间,全希腊选手及附近的黎民百姓相聚于奥林匹亚这个希腊南部风景秀丽的小镇。来自希腊各地的参赛者参与角逐,目标就是最终奖赏:一个橄榄花圈和“英雄”般的返乡。除去胜利的光荣,奥林匹克本身赋予了奥运会特殊的意义:高尚竞争,把身体、意志和精神平衡地结合于一体。 1. The origin:from the beautiful legend to the holy agreement 起源:从美丽传说到神圣协议 More than 2800 years ago, the human beings began to hold the Olympic Games. There are not only beautiful tales regarding to the origin of the ancient Olympic Games but also endless arguments and textual research about it. 早在2800多年前,人类便有了奥运会比赛,关于古代奥运会的产生,既有美丽的神话故事,也有历史学家们永无休止的争论和考证。 ●The legend of Hercules clearing away the bullshit 赫拉克勒斯扫牛粪的传说 The ancient Greece was a mythical kingdom. The graceful fairytale and outstanding folklore cast a layer of mystery on the origin of the ancient Olympic Games. According to legend, Hercules, the son of Zeus, got the name “Titan” for his great strength. In Elis, the Greek city-state, he spent less than half a day in finishing cleaning the whole stall where was full of bullshit. Before Hercules took the heavy task of clearing away the bullshit, the king had promised to present him 300 bulls as the “wage”. But the king broke his promise. In at of pique, Hercules drove the king away. In order to celebrate the victory, he held a sports meeting in Olympia. It’s the first ancient Olympic Games. 古希腊是一个神话王国,优美动人的神话故事和曲折离奇的民间传说,为古奥运会的起源蒙上一层神秘的色彩。 相传,宙斯的儿子赫拉克勒斯,因力大无比,获得“大力神”的美称。 在希腊的伊利斯城邦,他用不到半天的时间,扫干净了国王堆满牛粪的牛棚。在接手这个艰巨的任务之前,国王承诺将赠送300头牛给他作为“工资”。但国王食言了。一气之下,赫拉克勒斯赶走了国王。为了庆祝胜利,他在奥林匹亚举行了运动会,即最早的古代奥运会。 ●The romantic story of Pelops 佩洛普斯的浪漫故事 There was another beautiful legend about the origin of the Olympic Games. In Greece, in order to choose a husband who was versed in both literature and military affairs for his daughter, the king of Elis proposed that the applicant must win him in a chariot race. In the previous games, there were already 13 young men being killed by the king’s spear. The 14th suitor was a young man named Pelops. He was handsome and talented, and had previously met the princess. They had fallen in love with each other in Olympia. The beautiful princess got worried because 13 suitors had died in unnatural death, and Pelops was on the verge of death. She ordered a stableman to unscrew the pins on the king’s chariot wheels, so that the king’s chariot rolled onto the ground with a bang in the fierce fighting. The king fell down and got into a state of coma. Pelops gained his victory. Pelops took up the unconscious king, and felt very sad. He commanded the king’s servants to rescue the king quickly. After the king came back to life, he fulfilled his promise and allowed the princess to marry Pelops. Later, Pelops held a grand wedding in Olympia, thanking to Zeus for his blessing, and then arranged for wrestling, chariot race and other athletic activities. This wedding became the first ancient Olympic Games, and Pelops became the legendary founder of the ancient Olympic Games. 关于奥运会的起源,还有一个美丽的传说。在古希腊,伊利斯国王为了给自己的女儿挑选一个文武双全的丈夫,提出应选者必须和自己比赛战车。 在前面的比赛里,已经有13个青年丧生于国王的长矛之下。第14位求婚者是一个名叫佩洛普斯的青年,他英俊潇洒,才华出众,以前曾在奥林匹亚遇见公主。他们彼此相爱了。美丽的公主眼见13个求婚者死于非命,佩洛普斯也危在旦夕,便在赛前让马夫偷偷拧松国王战车轮子上的销钉,致使国王的战车在激烈的拼搏中随着一声巨响翻倒在地。国王摔在车旁昏死过去,佩洛普斯获得了胜利。 佩洛普斯抱起昏迷不醒的国王,心中感到非常难过,吩咐国王手下的人迅速进行抢救。国王伤好以后,履行了自己的诺言,把公主许配给了佩洛普斯。 后来,佩洛普斯在奥林匹亚举行了盛大的婚礼,感谢宙斯神对他的保佑,并在其后安排了角力、战车比赛等竞技活动。这次婚礼便成了最初的古代奥运会,佩洛普斯成了古奥运会传说中的创始人。 ●Sports games took the place of wars 体育比赛代替战争的休战说 In fact, there were social factors about the birth of Olympic Games. There was once a place called Olympia in the ancient Greece, where had been occupied by Elis. But the Spartans also wanted to get these holy lands. Therefore, the war fighting for Olympia broke out. In order to cope with the war, all the city-states were busy training soldiers actively. In Sparta, the children were nurtured by the nation, and engaged in the sports and the military training since 7 years old. They led a military life. The war had lasted for a long time. Both the soldiers and the masses were tired of the protracted war and eager about peace. In 884 BC, the king of Elis and the king of Sparta signed an agreement of holding a regular rally in Olympia, and also a “sacred truce treaty”. According to the treaty, during the rally, the one who carried weapons into Olympia was considered to be against God, and ought to be punished. So the rally in form of sports competition took the place of the war. But it was only embryo of the ancient Olympic Games. According to the written history, the ancient Olympic Games should be originated in 776 BC. 其实,奥运会的产生有它现实的社会因素。古希腊有个叫奥林匹亚的地方,一直由伊利斯城邦占据,斯巴达人也想得到这块圣地。于是,双方为争夺奥林匹亚而爆发了战争。为了应付战争,各城邦都积极训练士兵。斯巴达城邦的儿童从7岁起就由国家抚养,并从事体育、军事训练,过着军事生活。战争持续了很长时间,无论是士兵还是民众,都对长时间的战争感到厌倦,他们都渴望和平。 于是在公元前884年,伊利斯王和斯巴达国王签订了一项定期在奥林匹亚举行集会的协议,并签订《神圣休战条约》。条约规定,在举行集会期间,凡是携带武器进入奥林匹亚者,将被认为背叛了神,应当受罚。于是,以体育为竞赛方式的集会代替了战争。但这还仅是古代奥运会的雏形,从有文字记载的历史考证,古代奥运会最早产生于公元前776年。 ●Iphitos, the founder of the Olympics—Change religious activities into sports events 奥运鼻祖伊菲图斯——把宗教活动办成体育盛会 There was an inspirational story about the king of Elis and the king of Sparta signing the armistice agreement. In the 9th Century BC, there was an enlightened king called Iphitos in Elis. During his reign, Greece was suffering from plague and wars. Then he went to consult a prophet who said, “If you can hold a sports meeting together with each other, and establish a sense of fair competition, God will be glad, and your country will not suffer from wars!” Iphitos got very glad after listening this. He went to tell the king of Sparta, another powerful nation. Therefore, they came to an agreement that there would be an Olympic Games between the two countries every four years. During the period, everyone must put down their own weapons and go to Olympia to watch the Olympic Games. It showed the respect for the God. In 776 BC, Iphitos declared a sports meeting in Olympia. So the first ancient Olympic Games was held. It can be said that Iphitos was the founder of the ancient Olympic Games. ……
奥林匹克运动会(简称奥运会)是国际奥林匹克委员会主办的包含多种体育运动项目的国际性运动会,每四年举行一次。奥林匹克运动会最早起源于古希腊,因举办地在奥林匹亚而得名。奥林匹克运动会现在已经成为了和平与友谊的象征,它是一种融体育、教育、文化为一体的综合性、持续性、世界性的活动,也是一种文化的传播体现,这样的传播在奥运会中能得到充分的展示。 奥林匹克运动是一项倡导挑战、竞争和奋斗的社会活动。在竞争中,运动员要勇于向强手和高水平挑战,不断超越自我、超越他人,有所发展、创新、前进。