
出版时间:2012-1  出版社:华语教学出版社  作者:张丽萍  页数:17  


  My First Chinese Storybooks is a series of Chinese andEnglish
bilingual picture books that have been primarily designed as
educational readers for English speakers of"different age groups
who are learning Chinese.
  The books for children aged 5-11 are full of interesting stories
that are based on the everyday lives of" children. Readers will
find them particularly appealing. The author of the series has
lived in England for decades, and has brought her many years of
teaching experience to this series with the creation of" these fun
yet educational" stories.
  The appendices at the end of each book pinpoint key words and
sentences, and include questions based on the stories for parents
and teachers to use in engaging children in interactive



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