出版社:保罗•兰福德 (Paul Langford)、刘意青、 康勤 外语教学与研究出版社 (2013-06出版)
作者:(英国)保罗·兰福德(Paul Langford) 译者:刘意青 康勤 保罗·兰福德,牛津大学现代历史学教授(自1996年起),林肯学院现代历史学研究员、导师(自1970年起),艺术和人文科学研究委员会主席(自1998年起)。其著作有《一个彬彬有礼的商业化民族1727—1783》(Oxford,1989;1999再版)和《英国的公众生活与有产阶层1689—1789》(Oxford,1991)等。 刘意青,美国芝加哥大学英国文学博士,北京大学英语系教授、博士生导师。主要研究英国18世纪文学、英美和加拿大小说以及《圣经》的文学阐释。已出版的专著和编著有《圣经故事100篇》、《女性心理小说家塞缪尔·理查逊》、(英文)、《欧洲文学史》第一卷(与罗经国联合主编)、《英国侣世纪文学史》。翻译过英美诗歌、英国和加拿大短篇小说、诺贝尔获奖小说节选、美国文化方面的著作等。还在国内重点刊物上发表了多篇论文。 康勤,专职翻译工作者,文学硕士,具有联合国T2翻译级别资格。通晓法语和英语,除了在联合国从事了数年英汉、汉英笔译工作之外,还翻译过英美文化和文学作品。在法汉翻译方面,参与翻译过法国经典作家的作品,如莫泊桑的小说,以及若干现当代作家如杜拉斯等的作品。
插图目录 地图目录 第一章 革命及其反响 第二章 罗宾政府的兴起 第三章 工业和赋闲 第四章 英国中产阶级的形成 第五章 不同政见的斗争 第六章 叛乱和改革 第七章 结束语 年表 历任首相名录1721—1789年 译后记
版权页: 插图: Elsewhere they were influential if notdominating. The Toryism of the Church was bound to be diluted by thepersistent drip of Whig jobbery, but one of the great seminaries of theChurch, the university of Oxford, remained loyal to the Anglican gentry,and there was sufficient ecclesiastical patronage in the hands of the Toryfamilies to maintain a powerful interest. In substantial cities there werealso promising reservoirs of potential opposition to the regime. InLondon, Bristol, Norwich, and Newcastle, for instance, there was a longtradition of popular participation in politics, and much combustiblematerial for Tory incendiaries. The Walpole system was too widely basedto be considered a narrow oligarchy, but while a significant portion ofthe landed and clerical classes and a large body of middle- and lower-class opinion in the towns opposed it, the stability of the age could bemore apparent than real. The Regime at Risk Naturally enough, the conditions for genuine crisis were created onlywhen the regime itself was divided. By the early 173os Walpole wasfaced by a dangerous alliance of rivals at court. Their opportunity camewith his celebrated attempt to extend the excise system, a projectwhich was financially sound but which awakened the deepest and mostviolent antipathy among those numerous English people who detestednew taxes and feared the expansion of the government's bureaucracy.Only Walpole's readiness to withdraw his scheme in 1733 and the solidsupport of George Ⅱ against his court rivals saved his administration;even so, the general election of 1734 produced a wide-spread reactionagainst him and a severely reduced majority in the House of Commons.