
出版社:约翰•布莱尔 (John Blair)、 肖明翰 外语教学与研究出版社 (2013-06出版)  


作者:(英国)约翰·布莱尔(John Blair) 译者:肖明翰  约翰·布莱尔,牛津大学女王学院现代史研究院及讲师,已出版的著作有《中世纪早期的萨里》、《盎格鲁—撒克逊时代的牛津郡》、《牧师与牧区教堂》、《中世纪英格兰行业》、《修道院与世界》以及《盎格鲁—撒克逊时代的教会》等。 肖明翰,美国俄亥俄大学博士,四川师范大学外国语学院和湖南师范大学外国语学院教授,近年从事英美现代文学和中世纪英国文学研究,主要译著有《爱伦·坡哥特故事选》等。


插图目录 地图目录 绪论 第一章英格兰人集居地 第二章七世纪 第三章基督教与修道院文化 第四章麦西亚霸权 第五章维京人的入侵与韦塞克斯王室的兴起 第六童艾特尔雷德与克努特:英格兰君主制的衰落 第七章盎格鲁—撒克逊王朝的终结 年表


版权页:   插图:   A dispute between Charlemagne and Offa in 789 reveals that Englishmerchants were habitually using Frankish ports: England and Franciawere part of a growing world of international commerce. For nearly acentury, in fact, trading centres had been developing throughoutnorthern Europe. This was the age of the -wits, a remarkable series ofinternational emporia which appeared around 7oo on the coasts ofnorth-west Europe and of southern and eastern England. Each of themajor English kingdoms seems to have had its -wic: Southampton(Hamwic) for Wessex, Ipswich for East Anglia, York (Eoforwic) forNorthumbria, perhaps Sandwich for Kent. It now seems likely that thebiggest of them all was London (Lundenwic), called by Bede 'anemporium of many peoples coming by land and sea', which lay not inthe walled city but westwards around the Strand and Covent Garden.Excavation on all these sites has revealed intensive settlement and craftproduction. If primarily they were entrepots for foreign traders, it isbecoming increasingly apparent that they developed commercialhinterlands extending far inland. While our sources do not allow anyprecise measure of economic growth, it is clear that the internal as wellas the overseas economy of England was being transformed in the ageof Ethelbald and Offa. The Church The eighth and early ninth centuries were a rather unsettled time for theEnglish Church. Lay foundation and patronage brought its ownproblems, as aristocrats eager to enjoy the tenurial and tax advantagesof 'bookland' (land held by written charter, hithero a purelyecclesiastical form of tenure) built monasteries on their estates. Someof these, complained an outraged Bede, were little more than 'fronts'for tax evasion, and while it may be wrong to take this literally there canbe little doubt that as the monastic culture proliferated through laysociety, there was a decline from the highest late seventh-centurystandards.





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