
出版时间:2012-9  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:上海工程技术大学继续教育学院  页数:184  




Part 1 Subway ServicesUnit 1 Inquiry1.1 Route1.2 Time1.3 Equipment1.4 OthersTips Welcome to the Shanghai MetroUnit 2 Tickets2.1 Ticketing2.2 Cards and Tickets2.3 Refund and MaintenanceTips Don't Mix up Railway Stations or the Airports in ShanghaiUnit 3 Subway Security3. 1 Security Checks3.2 Subway RegulationsTips Gentle ReminderUnit 4 Dealing with Situations4. 1 Breakdowns4.2 Emergencies4.3 First Aid4.4 Adverse WeatherTips Turn to Service Centers for HelpUnit 5 Miscellaneous Services5.1 Lost and Found5.2 Dealing with ComplaintsTips The First Step on a DIY Tour around ShanghaiUnit 6 Attractions6.1 Modern Attractions6.2 Traditional AttractionsTips Visiting Shanghai by SubwayPart 2 General Knowledge about SubwayUnit 7 A Brief Introduction to the Development of Urban Rail TransitUnit 8 A Brief Introduction to a Subway StationUnit 9 Operation Control CenterUnit 10 The Subway BasePart 3 AppendicesAppendix I GlossaryAppendix II KeyAppendix III Station AnnouncementsAppendix IV Onboard AnnouncementsAppendix V Shanghai Metro Map


  《创新职业英语系列教材:城市轨道交通实用英语》具有以下特点:  内容丰富全面  包括信息问询、失物招领、周边景点介绍等城市轨道交通服务各个方面的工作内容,实用性强。  语言地道鲜活  从真实工作场景中提取素材,语言地道、鲜活、规范。  练习有趣多样  形式多样的练习,在注重互动性和操作性的同时,富有趣味性,能有效激发学生的学习兴趣。  版式新颖活泼  配备了大量实物图片,便于学生更直观地理解内容,有利于自主学习。



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