出版时间:2012-7 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:詹姆斯 E.珀普拉 页数:305
Series editors ' preface to Assessing Grammar
CHAPTER ONE Differing notions of'grammar' for assessment
CHAPTER TW Research on L2 grammar teaching,learning and
CHAPTER THREE The role ofgrammarin models ofcommunicative language
CHAPTER FOUR Towards a definition ofgrammatical ability
CHAPTER FIVE Designing test tasks to measure L2 grammatical
CHAPTER SIX Developing tests to measure L2 grammatical
CHAPTER SEVEN Illustrative tests ofgrammaticalability
CHAPTER EIGHT Learning-oriented assessments
CHAPTER NINE Challenges and new directions in assessing grammatical
While these three approaches better reflect the types of academic com-petencies that most language educators value and wish to promote, a learning-oriented approach to assessment maintains a clear and unambiguous focus on as sessmertt for the purpose of fostering further learning relevant to some domain of interest (e.g., grammatical ability). Learning is defined here as the accumulation of knowledge and the ability to use this knowledge for some purpose (i.e., skill). To highlight the learning mandate in the assessment of grammar in classroom contexts, I will use the term learning-oriented assessment of grammar. Unlike the other approaches, learning-oriented assessment of grammar draws on both a theory of grammar testing (as described in Chapters 3 and 4) and a theory of second language learning (i.e., grammar processing as described by Van Patten, 1996, and Lee and Van Patten, 2003, in Chapter 2). It is concerned not only with issues of grammar testing and measurement, but also with issues of instructed learning. For this reason, learning-oriented assessment of grammar aims to provide information about the grammar that students know, understand, or can use in certain contexts, and the implications that this information might have for grammar processing. Finally, moving beyond grammar performance per se, learning-oriented assessment can also provide teachers with information about what students feel or believe about learning grammar and about themselves as learners of grammar - other aspects of the instructional variable. In terms of method, learning-oriented assessment of grammar reflects the belief that assessments must remain open to all task types if the mandate is to provide information about student performance on the one hand, and information about the processing of grammatical input and the production of grammatical output on the other. Therefore, unlike with other approaches, operationalization involves the use of selected-response, limited-production and complex, extended-production tasks that may or may not invoke real-life applications or interaction. Just as in largescale assessments, though, the specification of test tasks varies according to the specific purpose of the assessment and the claims we would like to make about what learners know and can do, and in fact, in some instances, a multiple-choice task may be the most appropriate task type available. Finally, learning-oriented assessment is designed to be an integral part of instruction, occurring formally or informally at any stage of the learning process. ……
“剑桥英语教师丛书”精选自剑桥大学出版社出版的英语教师教育领域的力作,并由国内英语教育界专家、学者撰写导读。 本丛书从英语语言教学的理论和实践两个层面,为英语教师的教学实践提供理论指导,并为英语教师的在职教育和终生职业发展提供丰富的资源;供在职英语教师和英语语言教学研究者,尤其是英语教育专业的研究生学习使用。