出版时间:2012-10 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:张爱英 编 页数:65
《初中英语(新标准)同步模块目标检测(衔接小学)》是《英语》(新标准)系列教材的配套出版物,既可用于学生课外练习和自我提高,又可为教师了解学生学习情况、发现教学过程中存在的问题提供参考。本书与初中英语教学同步,采用了模块化设计。考虑到学生的英语水平不尽相同,每个模块我们分别设计了A卷和B卷,其中A卷以基础题为主,B卷则有更多的提高题,老师和学生们可以根据实际情况选择相应的练习。 本书旨在为学生在中学阶段打好基础而设计,既体现了教材的基本要求,又提供了学科拓展型学习的思路和方法。本书的风格是“寓练于乐,练中有学”。本书所遵循的原则是:教会学生如何学习,让学生充分展示自己的才华和个性,使学生的才能、个性和潜能得到全面、积极、健康的发展。本书具有以下特点: 一、语言地道准确:选材多为鲜活的英文原创材料。听力部分由英国专家专门录制。 二、与课堂教学同步:紧扣新课标,配合教材进度,可用作课堂同步练习。 三、配合测试考试:结合各地中考以及国际多种测试标准设计练习,实用性强。 四、题型活泼多样:在题型的选择上参考了各地的中考题型。题目注重营造语境,内容活泼,配以插图,趣味性强。 五、全面训练提高:听、说、读、写四方面技能定期、定量训练,注重基础,全面提高。
《青苹果教辅·初中英语同步模块目标检测:9年级(上册)(衔接小学)(新标准)》旨在为学生在中学阶段打好基础而设计,既体现了教材的基本要求,又提供了学科拓展型学习的思路和方法。《青苹果教辅·初中英语同步模块目标检测:9年级(上册)(衔接小学)(新标准)》的风格是“寓练于乐,练中有学”。《青苹果教辅·初中英语同步模块目标检测:9年级(上册)(衔接小学)(新标准)》所遵循的原则是:教会学生如何学习,让学生充分展示自己的才华和个性,使学生的才能、个性和潜能得到全面、积极、健康的发展。《青苹果教辅·初中英语同步模块目标检测:9年级(上册)(衔接小学)(新标准)》具有以下特点: 一、语言地道准确:选材多为鲜活的英文原创材料。听力部分由英国专家专门录制。 二、与课堂教学同步:紧扣新课标,配合教材进度,可用作课堂同步练习。 三、配合测试考试:结合各地中考以及国际多种测试标准设计练习,实用性强。 四、题型活泼多样:在题型的选择上参考了各地的中考题型。题目注重营造语境,内容活泼,配以插图,趣味性强。 五、全面训练提高:听、说、读、写四方面技能定期、定量训练,注重基础,全面提高。
Module 1 A卷Module 1 B卷Module 2 A卷Module 2 B卷Module 3 A卷Module 3 B卷Module 4 A卷Module 4 B卷Module 5 A卷Module 5 B卷Module 6 A卷Module 6 B卷期中检测卷听力原文与答案Module 7 A卷Module 7 B卷Module 8 A卷Module 8 B卷Module 9 A卷Module 9 B卷Module 10 A卷Module 10 B卷Module 11 A卷Module 11 B卷Module 12 A卷Module 12 B卷期末检测卷
A visit to the natural wonder-Angel Falls As six out of seven wonders of the ancient world have not survived to the present day, some people propose a new list of world wonders. Like the old list, the new one includes fascinating monuments and man-made structures, and natural wonders as well. Today we begin our visit to the natural wonder, high in the southeastern mountains of Venezuela, waterfalls from a mountain called Auyan Tepui. The water falls from a height of 979 metres. It ends in an area called Devil's Canyon. The water begins to fall in a tightly controlled stream but it ends in a beautiful white cloud of water spray. This waterfall is the highest in the world. The local native people called it the Churun Meru. It is now called Angel Falls. An American pilot named Jimmy Angel saw the beautiful waterfall for the first time in the 1930s. He was fiying alone in a small airplane looking for a valuable ore (矿,矿石) bed when he saw water falling from a great height. Some time later several friends said the waterfall should be named after Jimmy Angel. A small airplane is still the best way to enjoy this beautiful sight. You can also visit the area under the falls after a three-and-a-half-hour boat ride. And you can see Jimmy Angel's plane if you visit Venezuela; the one you may be able to see on the top of Tepui is a replica (复制品). It is considered a national treasure. 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。 54. The name of the waterfall was given by an American pilot. 55. Jimmy Angel was looking for a valuable ore bed. 56. The writer suggests three different ways of getting to Angel Falls. 57. Jimmy Angel's plane is still kept in Venezuela. 58. Jimmy Angel's plane is considered a national treasure. C(2011.安徽) Charles Chaplin was born in London on April 16th, 1889. His parents were music hall actors. The Chaplin family were very poor, and life was difficult in London. Charlie, as he was called, used to do his mother's job in the theatre when she was ill. When he was only 17 years old, Chaplin got his first real job as an actor. What he did was to do silly things to make people laugh in the theatre. Seven years later he went to the USA. And over the next four years, he formed his own way of art. He developed the character of a homeless gentleman which became very popular. From the 1920s to the 1950s, Chaplin made his most famous films. The film Modern Times (1936) shows his care about the modern industry workers. Many of his films describe the poor life and hard time of the working people during that period. Although Charlie Chaplin was British, he lived in the USA until 1953. But he never got US nationality. Then Chaplin, his wife and his five children had to move to Switzerland where he lived until he died. When he was 83 years old, he won his only Oscar for the music he wrote for the film Limelight. He was named Sir Charles Chaplin at the age of 85. Charlie Chaplin died in Switzerland on December 25th, 1975. ……
《青苹果教辅·初中英语同步模块目标检测:9年级(上册)(衔接小学)(新标准)》紧密结合学生用书,配合测验考试,题型多样,富有趣味性,注重学生语言能力的全面发。 《青苹果教辅·初中英语同步模块目标检测:9年级(上册)(衔接小学)(新标准)》适用对象:小学阶段学习过英语课程的中学生。
初中英语-九年级上册-同步模块目标检测-青苹果教辅 PDF格式下载