
出版时间:2011-12  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:孙中山  页数:158  


in London)是孙中山对这一过程的详细记载,原书以英文撰写,1897年在英国印行,后译成俄、日、中等国艾字。




第一章 原因
第二章 被诱
第三章 被禁时之情形
第四章 幽禁
第五章 良友营救
第六章 访求侦探
第七章 英政府之干涉
第八章 省释


版权页:   I pointed out that this would be a risky proceeding,as I might have the chance of communicating with the Eng-lish on board on the way.This,however,Tang declared would be impossible,as,said he,"You will be as carefully guarded as you are here,so that all possibility of escape will be cut off." I then suggested that the officers on board might not be of the same mind as my captors,and that some of them might sympathise with me and help me. "The steamboat company," replied Tang,"are friends of Sir Halliday Macartney's and will do what they are told." In reply to my questions he told me that I should be taken by one of the "Glen" Line of Steamers,but that my departure would not take place that week (this was October 14th),as the Minister was unwilling to go to the expense of exclusively chartering the steamer,and he wished to have the cargo shipped first,so that only the passenger tickets would have to be paid for. "Some time next week," he added,"the cargo will be embarked and you will go then." On my remarking that this was a very difficult plan to put into execution,he merely said: "Were we afraid of that,we could kill you here,because this is China,and no one can interfere with us in the Legation." For my edification and consolation he then quoted the case of a Korean patriot,who,escaping from Korea to Japan,was induced by a countryman of his to go to Shanghai,where he was put to death in the British concession.His dead body was sent back by the Chinese to Korea for punishment,and on arrival there it was decapitated,while the murderer was rewarded and given a high political post.Tang was evidently fondly cherishing the belief that he would be similarly promoted by his government for arresting me and securing my death.





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  •   孙中山成名记
  •   冲着中英双语买的,不过买之后一直没看,惭愧
  •   好像没下单嘛,嗨,算了,学英语罢了

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