出版时间:2011-11 出版社:外语教研 作者:韩茹凯 页数:469
Ruqaiya Hasan is Emeritus Professor ofLinguistics and Honorary Professorial Fellow atMacquarie University, Australia, where she hasbeen a faculty member from 1976 to 1994. She hastaught and held visiting positions at internationallyrecognized universities in England, America, andAustralia. Hasan got her PhD degree at Universityof Edinburgh with the research titled "A LinguisticStudy of Contrasting Features in the Style of TwoContemporary English Prose Writers". Workingwithin Halliday's Systemic-functional Linguistics.Hasan has made theoretical contributions tostylistics, discourse analysis, lexis as delicategrammar, sociolinguistics and semantics,publishing in each area as this volume shows. Herrecent publications include Language, Society andConsciousness (edited by Jonathan J.Webster),Continuing Discourse on Language: FunctionalPerspectives Volume 1 & Volume 2 (co-edited withChristian Matthiessen and Jonathan J. Webster),and Semantic Variation: Meaning in Society andin Sociolinguistics. A seven-volume series of hercollected works, edited by Jonathan J. Webster, isunder publication by Equinox.
A Timeless Journey: On the Past and Future
of Present Knowledge
Section 1 Some Language-Society Relations
Language and Society in a Systemic
Functional Perspective
Code, Register and Social Dialect
What Kind of Resource Is Language?
Section 2 Learning and Teaching: 'Socio/Linguistic
The Ontogenesis of Ideology: An
Interpretation of
Child Talk
Questions as a Mode of Learning in
Everyday Talk
Reading Picture Reading: A Study in
Ideology and Inference
Semiotic Mediation and Mental Development
in Pluralistic
Societies: Some Implications for Tomorrow's Schooling
Section 3 Construing Text in Context
What's Going On: A Dynamic View of Context
in Language
Text in the Systemic-Functional
The Nursery Tale as a Genre
Coherence and Cohesive Harmony
Section 4 Verbal Art in Systemic Functional Linguistics
Rime and Reason in Literature
Private Pleasure, Public Discourse:
Reflections on
Engaging with Literature
The Analysis of One Poem: Theoretical
Issues in Practice
List of Publications