
出版时间:2010-12  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  页数:294  




Keote SpeechMultiligualism--the Fudametal Priciple of the EU's Laguage Polic ad Laguage EducatioPolicIter-iterpretatio of Differet Cultures i the Act of Traslatio: A Case Stud of James Legge's Taoi The Sacred Books of ChiaICTs ad iovatio i the field of laguage learigTeachig Foreig Laguages over Satellite to Rural Commuities i EuropeCosistecies ad Cotrasts amog Remote ad Autoomous Laguage Learers: What ca we learfrom experiece ad practice?ew Approaches to Computer Assisted Laguage LearigA Automated Scorig Sstem for Subjective Items i EFL TestsCostructio of Digital Multi-modes, Support Sstems ad Sharig Mechaisms for IteratioalChiese Laguage TeachigIformatio ad Commuicatio Techologies ad Laguage StudiesComputer-mediated Commuicatios (CMC) ad EU-Chia Laguage ExchageGreat Wall Chiese: Courseware Resources ad ApplicatioCocept ad Techical Requiremets for a 'Chiese Fu' Real-time etwork Teachig PlatformLaguage learig for busiess ad emploabilitLaguage as a Tool for BusiessMultiligualism i a Busiess Cotext: Diverse PerspectivesTeachig Busiess Chiese for BegiersA Surve ad Aalsis of Use of Chiese b Foreig Busiess Perso……Laguage Learig,itercuItural competeces ad itercultural dialogueMutual promotio of Chiese i Europe ad of EU official Laguage i Chia



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