
出版时间:2010-11  出版社:外语教研  作者:戴尔·卡耐基  页数:205  


戴尔·卡耐基是美国现代成人教育之父,被人们称为“20世纪最伟大的成功学大师”。     本书是一部世界上最畅销的人生指南,是能改变无数人命运的励志经典。     卡而基励志经典(英文原版),原汁原味的人生指南。


戴尔·卡耐基(Dale Carnegie,1888~1955),被誉为20世纪最伟大的心灵导师和成功学大师,美国现代成人教育之父,同时他还是著名企业家、演讲家,美国《时代周刊》称:“除了自由女神,卡耐基或许就是美国的象征。” 


IntroductionPart One / Fundamentals of Effective SpeakingChapter 1 Acquiring theBasic Skills  Take Heart from the Experience of Others  Keep Your Goal Before You  Predetermine Your Mind to Success  Seize Every Opportunity to PracticeChapter 2 Developing Confidence  Get the Facts About Fear of Speaking in Public  Prepare in the Proper Way  Predetermine Your Mind to Success  Act ConfidentChapter 3 Speaking Effectively the Quick and Easy Way  Speak About Something You Have Earned the Right to Talk About Through     Experience or Study  Be Sure You Are Excited About Your Subject  Be Eager to Share Your Talk with Your ListenersPart Two / Speech, Speaker, and AudienceChapter 4 Earning the Right to Talk  Limit Your Subject  Develop Reserve Power  Fill Your Talk with Illustrations and Examples  Use Concrete, Familiar Words That Create PicturesChapter 5 Vitalizing the Talk  Choose Subjects You Are Eamest About  Relive the Feelings You Have About Your Topic  Act in EarnestChapter 6 Sharing the Talk with the Audience  Talk in Terms of Your Listeners' Interests  Give Honest, Sincere Appreciation  Identify Yourself with the Audience  Make Your Audience a Partner in Your Talk  Play Yourself DownPart Three/The Purpose of Prepared and Impromptu TalksChapter 7 Making the Short Talk to Get Action  Give Your Example, an Incident from Your Life  State Your Point, What You Want the Audience to Do  Give the Reason or Benefit the Audience May ExpectChapter 8 Making the Talk to Inform  Restrict Your Subject to Fit the Time at Your Disposal  Arrange Your Ideas in Sequence  Enumerate Your Points as You Make Them  Compare the Strange with the Familiar  Use Visual AidsChapter 9 Making the Talk to Convince  Win Confidence by Deserving It  Get a Yes-Response  Speak with Contagious Enthusiasm  Show Respect and Affection for Your Audience  Begin in a Friendly WayChapter 10 Making Impromptu Talks  Practice Impromptu Speaking  Be Mentally Ready to Speak Impromptu  Get into an Example Immediately  Speak with Animation and Force  Use the Principle of the Here and Now  Don't Talk Impromptu -- Give an Impromptu TalkPart Four / The Art of CommunicatingChapter 11 Delivering the Talk  Crash Through Your Shell of Self-Consciousness  Don't Try to Imitate Others -- Be Yourself  Converse with Your Audience  Put Your Heart into Your Speaking  Practice Making Your Voice Strong and FlexiblePart Five / The Challenge of Effective SpeakingChapter 12 Introducing Speakers, Presenting and Accepting Awards    Thoroughly Prepare What You Are Going to Say    Follow the T-I -S Formula    Be Enthusiastic    Be Warmly Sincere    Thoroughly Prepare the Talk of Presentation    Express Your Sincere Feelings in the Talk of AcceptanceChapter 13 Organizing the Longer Talk    Get Attention Immediately    Avoid Getting Unfavorable Attention    Support Your Main Ideas    Appeal for ActionChapter 14 Applying What You Have Learned    Use Specific Detail in Everyday Conversation    Use Effective Speaking Techniques in Your Job    Seek Opportunities to Speak in Public    You Must Persist    Keep the Certainty of Reward Before YouAcknowledgments




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  •   卡耐基的书不容分说。买本原版的练练英语。
  •   为过节准备的,假期要看两本书
  •   快递不错 速度超快 刚到手很喜欢
  •   总的方面比较概括
  •   装订有点小问题, 不影响阅读,可以接受
  •   书质量很好,不过读的时候需要字典
  •   读着很轻松。很享受
  •   书的内容太好了!正是我想要的!超赞!
  •   好多单词不认识。。 推荐英语基础好的购买。
  •   书很好,字也很大。
  •   书比较薄,不过正合我意~印刷质量也好
  •   还没看,相信外研社的质量
  •   今天收到 书还可以!

  •   書的質量不錯。隨便看了一下,卡耐基的書的很經典。
  •   英文读本,拿来练口语和英文的
  •   一本关于演讲的书。
  •   外研社的书,不错
  •   纸张出现残缺,纸质很薄,是正版的书籍否?

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