出版时间:2010-11 出版社:外语教研 作者:宋雷 页数:269
法律英语(1egal English or the English language of law)是法律语言学与法学有机交融所形成的一门交叉性学科(interdisciplinary subject),被人称为“专门职业英语”(English for professional purpose,简称EPP),目前已受到广泛关注。事实上,由于法律与语言关系的密切,在某种程度上,法律英语的学习与了解即是法律(准确地说是普通法,即common law)的学习和掌握。近年来,随着全球化进程的推进与中国日渐崛起,国家对既懂法律又通英语(不是一般的英语而是法律英语)的复合型人才的需求与日俱增,学习法律英语的重要性和必要性也益发彰显。一本好的法律英语教材,对于渴求掌握此门知识的学生而言,可以起到事半功倍的作用。本书正是在此目的的指导下精心编写的一本教材,旨在让读者接受系统科学的训练和指导,尽快逾越法律英语学习过程中的各种羁绊,最终达到精确掌握及熟练运用法律英语的目的。 本教材分为学生用书和教师用书,其中学生用书共18课,内容涉及法律英语基本知识的诸多方面,如普通法概述和法律分类等,触及到刑法、合同法、侵权法、婚姻家庭法、知识产权法、竞争法、反托拉斯法、环境法、民权、隐私权、仲裁、投资保障立法、程序法、信用证等许多内容。本教材在安排上遵循由总述到具体、由浅入深的原则,并力求满足读者对法律英语及英美国家具体法律知识的渴求。 每课内容均由六个部分构成,即Lead-in、objectives、Warm-up、Text、Supplementary Reading以及Case Study。Lead-in部分提纲挈领地介绍了与本文相关的法律知识,引导读者深入学习。Objectives为本单元的学习目标,包括重点、难点知识和相关要求。Warm-up部分设计了有助于理解课文的一些法律词汇及术语的练习,尤其突出在法律语境有特殊法律意蕴的普通词汇。Text部分是每课的重点。
《法律英语教程》旨在帮助学习者了解英美法律制度的基本知识,熟悉和掌握一定的法律英语术语,提高研读、分析法律英语资料的水平以及实际运用法律英语的能力。 本教程具有以下特点: 内容全面,由总述到具体、由浅入深地介绍了法律的分类、刑法、民法、合同法、财产法、侵权法等基本知识。 全面辅学,所有学习资料均辅以必要的法律术语解释以及背景知识简介.帮助学习者充分理解。 注重案例学习,每单元均设有专门的案例学习板块.深化学习者对法律精神和规范的了解,提高分析和解决问题的能力。 教师用书提供练习参考答案、课文译文以及扩展性的背景知识和补充注释等丰富的教学补充资源。
Lesson 1 What Is Common Law?Lesson 2 Classification of LawLesson 3 Civil Rights Embodied in the U.S. ConstitutionLesson 4 Criminal Law of the United StatesLesson 5 Law of ContractLesson 6 What Is Property?Lesson 7 U.S. Tort LawLesson 8 Investor Protection Legislation in U.S.A.Lesson 9 Overview of U.S. Antidumping LawLesson 10 Intellectual Property LawLesson 11 Competition Law and Policy in the European UnionLesson 12 Letter of Credit LawLesson 13 Family Law: Action forAnnulmentLesson 14 Privacy: From Property Right to Personal RightLesson 15 American Environmental LawLesson 16 Administration of LawLesson 17 Trial and Court Procedures in Common LawLesson 18 Arbitration
Common-law Legal Systems Common law constitutes the basis of the federal law in the United States and the states laws (except Louisiana), the federal law in Canada and the provinces laws (except Quebec), the legal systems of England, Wales and Northern Ireland of Britarn, the Republic of Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Brunei, Pakistan, Singapore, Malta, Hung Kong Special Administrative Region of China, and many other generally English-speaking countries or Commonwealth countries. The main alternative to the common-law system is the civil-law system, which is used in continental Europe, and most of the rest of the world. The opposition between civil-law and common-law legal systems has become increasingly blurred, with the growing importance of jurisprudence(almost like case law but in name) in civil-law countries, and the growing importance of statute law and codes in common-law countries. An example of this is the United States, where matters of criminal law, commercial law (the Uniform Commercial Code2 in the early 1960s) and procedure (the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in the 1930s and the Federal Rules of Evidence3 in the 1970s) have been codified.