
出版时间:2010-10  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:夏伟蓉 著  页数:151  




Unit I Attitudes Towards Life Part One Reading in DepthPassage A Overcoming Self-Centered AttitudesPassage B The Positive Affirmation DilemmaPart Two Fast ReadingPassage C The Value of Thinking and Feeling PositivePassage D Russia's Attitude Towards the US: Ally or Adversary? Part Three Short Answer QuestionsPassage E Race Attitudes Have Changed Dramatically Unit 2 Aging ProblemsPart One Reading in DepthPassage A Creativity and Aging .Passage B Substance Abuse and Violence Among the ElderlyPart Two Fast Reading.Passage C Dealing with Aging and Weak Parents and RelativesPassage D The Art of Aging RespectablyPartThree Blanked ClozePassage E How Dishonest Telemarketers Prey on the ElderlyUnit 3 EconomyPart One Reading in DepthPassage A Another Great Depression?Passage B What Really Affects the Economy?Part Two Fast ReadingPassage C The Keys to Better Fuel EconomyPassage D Getting a Good Job in an Economic Downturn Isn'tImpossiblePart Three Short Answer Questions.Passage E How to Keep Your Job in a Tight EconomyUnit4 Culture ShockPart One Reading in DepthPassage A How Blogging Helps Expatriates and Those Traveling AbroPassage B The Topsy-Turvy Feeling of Culture ShockPart Two Fast ReadingPassage C Culture Shock: Adjusting to Your Study AbroadExperiencePassage D The Reality of Culture Shock: Know What to Expect WheJLiving in a Foreign CulturePart Three Blanked Gloze .Passage E When It Comes to Emotions, Eastern and Western CultureSee Things Very DifferentlyUnit 5 Civil RightsPart One Reading in DepthPassage A Was Martin Luther King Vital to the Civil Rights MovementPassage B Affirmative Action--Civil Rights MovementPart Two Fast ReadingPassage C Ten Historic Civil Rights Sites to Visit in AlabamaPassage D American Indians on the RisePart Three Short Answer QuestionsPassage E Civil Rights During the 1960sUnit 6 HappinessUnit 7 EuthanasiaUnit 8 StressUnit 9 SecurityUnit 10 WarKey



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