
出版时间:2010-9  出版社:外语教研  作者:儒勒·凡尔纳  页数:145  






Chapter 1 The Gun Club
Chapter 2 President Barbicane's Announcement
Chapter 3 The Effect of Barbicane's Announcement
Chapter 4 Reply from the Cambridge Observatory
Chapter 5 The Romance oF the Moon
Chapter 6 What It Is Impossible Not to Know and What It Is No
Longer Permissible to Believe in the United States
Chapter 7 The Hymn to the Projectile
Chapter 8 The Story of the Cannon
Chapter 9 The Ouestion oF Powder
Chapter 10 One Enemy Among Twenty-Five Million Friends
Chapter 11 Florida and Texas
Chapter 12 Urbi Et Orbi
Chapter 13 Stone Hill
Chapter 14 Pick and Trowel
Chapter 15 The Festival oF Casting
Chapter 16 The Cannon
Chapter 17 A Cablegram
Chapter 18 The Passenger on the Atlanta
Chaplet 19 A Meefing
Ckapfer 20 Tbrusf and Counterthrust
Chaplet 21 How a Frenchman Seffles a Quarrel
Chaplet 22 A New Citizen of fhe Unifed States
Chaplet 23 The Projectile Coach
Chaplet 24 The Longs Peak Telescope
Chapfer 25 Final Details
Chapfer 26 Fire!
Chaplet 27 Cloudy Weather
Chaplet 28 A New Heavenly Body


插图:That evening a stranger in Baltimore would have been unable to enter the meeting hall no matter how much he might have been willing to pay. It was reserved exclusively for the resident and corresponding members of the Gun Club, and no one else was admitted into it. Even the local dignitaries and the members of the city government had to mingle with the crowd and try to catch word of what was taking place insideMeanwhile the meeting hall presented a curious spectacle. This immense room was wonderfully well adapted to its purpose. Tall pillars composed of superposed cannons resting on bases of thick mortars supported the lacy wrought-iron reinforcements of the ceiling. The walls were adorned with clusters of blunderbusses, arquebuses, muskets, carbines, and allother kinds of firearms, ancient and modem. Gas blazed from a thousand drevolvers grouped in the form of chandeliers; the magnificent lighting was completed by candelabra composed of pistols and rifles. Models of cannons, samples of bronze, sighting marks shot full of holes, metal platesshattered by the cannon balls of the Gun Club, collections of rammers and sponges, strings of bombs, necklaces of projectiles, garlands of shells in short, all the tools of the artilleryman, surprised the eye by their astonishing.


凡尔纳的小说启发了我的思想,使我按一定方向去幻想。  ——苏联宇航之父齐奥尔科夫斯基我并不是不知道您的作品的科学价值,但我最珍重的却是它们的纯道德价值和精神力量。  ——教皇利奥十三世






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用户评论 (总计11条)


  •   全英文的。冲着这个买的。凡尔纳的作品,期待。
  •   应该会很好看。
  •   原来是英文的啊,还好有翻译工具,不然亏了,不错,对学英语有好处
  •   全英文版要花点时间看 书质很好不知道是不是英文原版
  •   全英文的,留着慢慢读
  •   送货到家,不错,发货速度快
  •   儒勒·凡尔纳的经典小说,全英文的,印刷清晰,很赞
  •   还不错 全英文的
  •   想看才买,还没有看到。很想看看。
  •   书还不错,很顺眼。但是书是软皮的,又只有一本,快递送过来的时候整本书都弄皱了。。。
  •   全英文的,开始买的时候还挺满意,但字号有点小,比较费眼,要能稍大点就好了。

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