出版时间:2011-4 出版社:新星出版社 作者:金松寿,闫克平,唐睿康 页数:234
Chinese architecture after reform and opening sprung from adiscussion of national style.Although we were finally able to liftthe veil placed over our eyes and gradually expose ourselves toWestern architecture,there was a dilemma.Would our architecturebe uniquely Chinese?Or would it be entirely Westernized?Facingthe transformation of our culture,we hoped to move forward byleaps and bounds,but traditional thinking made US hesitate.TheBeij ing Fragrant Hills Hotel,Qufu Queli Hotel,Lhasa Hotel,and others have a distinctly Chinese mood.Articles from 1 980seditions of Architectural Journal were titles as“Modern Style anda Link to the Past,”(by Qi Kang),“Using Architecture to Recordour Mighty Era”(by Yin Peitong).First published in August 1979,“The Architect”concentrated on translating architectural essaysand research papers.In 1 983,Peng Yigang’S“Unified Theory of Building Spaces”was published,marking China’S first formalinquiry into architecture.The rebirth of architectural discussionindicated that even as we were sweeping away the remains of the Great Leap Forward era,we were beginning to think rationally As nationalistic voices in the discussion gradually softened,the Chinese architectural world looked toward“foreign experience.”In“Thinking between History and the Future,”Tai Ning wrote,“Modern Chinese architecture is happening in the narrow alleysbetween tall buildings.If we don’t use reform and opening tobravely assimilate the outside culture of modem,which is Westernarchitecture,it will be impossible for modem Chinese architectureto achieve a breakthrough.”Indeed,with such a vast culturalhistory,innovation was not an easy task.With the Beijing PalacePenninsula Hotel and Asian Games Village,we attempted to fusetogether an exploration of Chinese spirit and modernism,but inpractice this was more the transplantation of foreign culture on amulti-coexistence foundation.
金松寿 我国著名的量子化学及化学动力学专家,第20届和21届中国化学学会理事,浙江省化学学会副理事长。对催化剂集团结构适应理论、无机盐溶解度规律有较深研究,提出分子间存在选择性作用力的理论。1978年获全国科学大会奖,1985年获国家科技进步三等奖,还获“国家著名老教授”荣誉。著有《量子化学应用简程》、《化学动力学》、《有机催化》、《选择性分子间引力和集团结构适应性》、《控制论化学和应用》等十几部著作。
闫克平 高级工程师。
唐睿康 浙江大学化学系教授,博士生导师,浙江大学生物物质与信息调控研究中心主任。
PrefaceArchitecture Takes on the World30 Years of Chinese ArchitectureChapter l:Cultural ArchitectureWith ResonanceMemorial for Compatriots Kilted in the Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Forces of AggressionThe Dignity of a Four—sided CompoundThe Chinese Academy of Sciences LibraryA Ray of Light,a Stone,a WorldChengdu Luyeyuan Stone Sculpture Art MuseumLost{n ThoughtZhejian8 Tiantai MuseumCinderella’S TransformationShanghai Museum of Contemporary ArtA Place to Start EventsThe Ningbo Museum of ArtAn Eastern InstituteFeng Jicai Culture and Art Research Institute of Tianjin UniversityA VessL for the SpiritLongshan Church“Shanxi Courtyard” Gardenqingshui HallContemporary Aesthetics Break in Indigenous Cu[tureSongzhuang Museum of ArtThe Suzhou MuseumThe De[ight of HistoryExhibition Hail of The Jiangnan Command Center of the New Fourth Army,Jiangsu ProvinceFOrm frOm FunctionThe Library of the Shunde Cultural CenterLibrary on the WaterQingpu Library,Puyang CourtyardPost-modern WondersDafen Village Art Museum,ShenzhenPreserving History and Branding RejuvenationBeijing Today Art MuseumSeeds of Art in the DesertThe Art Museum of Ordos,Inner Mongolia“Coming into the World”and“Going into the World”Ningbo Urban Exhibition CenterAn Ancient BoatThe Ningbo MuseumChapter 2:Educational ArchitectureModern Architecture Blendlng into the EnvironmentBeijing Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press BuildingBetween Mountains and WaterSuzhou University Wenzheng ColLege LibraryMore Clear,More PowerfuLNanjing University Taoyuan#2 Graduate Student ApartmentsSustalnabte Development in Localized ArchitectureLijiang,Yunnan Jade Lake Wanxiao Hope Pnmary SchoolStroUing through a“Garden”Shanghai Q{ngpu Xiayu KindergartenCourtyard on the Roof of the WorldNgari App Le Primary SchoolArchitecture 1n the BackgroundBeijing Baiziwan Kindergarten and Middle SchoolThe Poetry of ArchitecturaL AestheticsChina Academy of Art,Xiangshan CampusThe Space“Between”Global Institute of Software TechnologyChapter 3:Public ArchitectureThe“Chinese spirit”of modern architectu reBank of China,BeijingVehicte for Open,F[exibte DemocracyShenzhen Municipal PLanning Bureau OfficeThe dynamic equilibrium between architecture and the cityShanghai Municipal Higher People’s CourtBeijing,a Step Back in the PastBeijing Desheng Up-town Office AreaRespect the City,Dialogue with Your Su rroundingsChangfa Cente NanjingPrecise Dimensions.Rich DetaiLQingpu Shanghai Construction Exhibition CenterFrOm Engineering to ArchitectureChongqing Tong Yan Lin International Design Center……
The Today Art Museum is located in the center of Beijing'S CBDin Chaoyang District.Its avant-garde style truly makes it stand outagainst its environment--its fusion of older industrial conceptswith modern themes creates a distinctive aesthetic quality.Thedesign was based on the conceptual analysis of the transforming ofold urban architecture and on the traits of original extemal featuresof old buildings and internal functions.Wang Hui thus implementeda series of design work from taking into perspective both the wholeproduct and all the minute details. High-speed development and construction in the business centerarea of the city has all but wiped out any traces of the originalcharacter of the area.There were two reasons that Wang Hui chosethe CBD as his site to transform an old building into a new spacefor the arts.The first is that he wanted to preserve some ofthe flavorof the old buildings.The second is consideration of the ecologicalrelationship between art,architecture,and the inhabitants of acommunity.The proj ect Wang undertook,which bears the doubleburden of commerce and culture,is full of challenges.The newToday Art Museum was originally the boiler room of the BeijingBeer brewery.The old boiler room is located at the northeastcomer of the Pingod residential complex,easily accessible fromthe adjoining road.Furthermore,the spatial configuration of theboiler room was exceptional.The roof comes in at 1 2 meters high,creating a perfect atmosphere for exhibiting works of modem art.Also,as it was originally the location of giant boilers,the space wasalready able to bear the weight load of giant displays of art or largepieces of equipment.