
出版时间:2012-1  出版社:知识产权出版社  作者:李宇军 主编  页数:121  字数:285000  


  The IUAES is one of the member organizations of the International Social ScienceCouncil (ISSC) and also of the International Council for Philosophyand HumanisticStudies (ICPHS). The IUAES is also a member of the International Council of ScientificUnions (ICSU). Its aim is to enhance exchange and communication among scholars of allregions of the world, in a collective effort to expand human knowledge. In this way, ithopes to contribute to a better understanding of human society, and to a sustainable futurebased on harmony between nature and culture.


1 Opportunities and Challenges for China's Environmental
Protection Industry in Northeast Asia-
2 Characters of Environmental Sensitivity and
Pro-environmental Behavior in Main East Asian Cities
3 The Unexpectedly Vicious Cycle of Oases and Water
4 Oral History of the Natural Environment--the Case of the
Ejine River in Inner Mongolia, China
5 Water Resource in the Uppermost Basin of Heihe (Black
River) in Inland China: a Relationship Between Natural and Social
6 Nature, Agriculture and Society of Middle of the
7 History Of Human Induced Erosion in the Chinese Loess
Plateau: A Hypothesis
8 China Urban Sustainable Development Studies: the
Perspective of Resources and Environment
9 An Analysis on the Survey of Beijing Residents' Awareness and
Behavior of Garbage Classification
10 Sustainable Subsistence of Mankind is the Condition for
Sustainable Development




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