
出版时间:2012-1  出版社:知识产权出版社  作者:陈巴特尔,等 编  页数:142  




Foreword The 16th Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Science--A Review of the Indigenous and Ethnic Minority's Education and Human Cultural DiversityAcknowledgmentIntroductionPart one Language and Culture1.Maori Language Revival: The Struggle for Inheritance, Survival, and Official Status of Native Language in Aotearoa, New Zealand2.Indigenous People and Cultural Education Centres: a Global View3.Language Diversity and Bilingual Education for Ethnic Minorities in the Process of Modernization--Survival and Development of Newly Created Writing SystemsPart Two Case Study4.Education and Development for the Tribals: A Study Based on Rural and Urban Areas of West Bengal (India)5.The Analysis on the Influential Factors in the Education of the Children from a Miao Mountain Village--A case study of the children from a Miao village in Songming county, Yunnan, ChinaPart three Theory and Practice6.Cultural Rethink on Educational Equity of Minority Education7.Self-Identification and Outside-Directed Identification: Implications for Indigenous Higher Education8.On the Development of Higher Education Internationalization and Yunnan Frontier Ethnic MinorityPart Four Comparison and Reference9.A Comparative Study of Aboriginal Education Policies: Indians in Canada and Mongolians in China10.Aboriginal and Minority Education Policy in Canada and China: Common Challenges



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