
出版时间:2012-1  出版社:知识产权出版社  作者:陈勤业  页数:256  




SYNOPSIS OF THESISCHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE ORGANIZATION1.2 THE NEED FOR CHANGE1.2.1 The Twentieth Century Revolution1.2.2 Information Technology1.2.3 Quality Revolution1.2.4 Internationalism1.2.5 The Combined Change1.3 MAJOR FACTORS DRIVING THE CHANGE1.3.1 Change in Socio-Economic Structure1.3.2 Public Awareness and ExpectationI.3.3 Government Encouragement1.3.4 Housing Authority Certification to ISO 90011.3.5 The General Business Environment in China1.3.6 Profile of the Elevator Business in China1.3.7 China's Labor Force1.4 CHANGES TO THE ORGANIZATION WITH THE INTRODUCTION OF A QUALITY SYSTEM1.5 PROBLEM STATEMENT1.5.1 Existing Problem of China World Largest Escalator Manufacturer Service Division1.5.2 Research Question and the matic concern1.6 RESEARCH OBJECTIVE1.6.1 Overall Objectives1.6.2 Sub-Objectives1.7 THE RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS1.7.1 World Largest Escalator Manufacturer Group and China World Largest Escalator Manufacturer1.7.2 The People Involve in the Research1.7.3 About the Researcher1.7.4 The Client Profile1.8 THE SERVICE CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE2.1.1 Philip Crosby2.1.2 W. Edwards Deming(1900~1993)2.1.3 Joseph Juran(1904~)2.1.4 Kaoru Ishikawa( 1915 ~ 1989)2.1.5 Genichi Taguchi2.1.6 Armand V. Feigenbaum2.1.7 Lewin, Kurt(1890~1947)2.1.8 Argyris, Chris(1923~)2.1.9 Seon, Donald(1930~1997)2.1.10 Senge, Peter M.(1947~)2.1.11 Influence of Quality and Management Gurus to the Elevator Industry2.1.1 2 Resistance to Change……CHAPTER THREECHAPTER FOURCHAPTER FIVECHAPTER SIXCHAPTER SEVENCHAPTER EIGHTCHAPTER NINEBILLIOGRAPHY & REFERENESAPPENDICES经验分享



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