出版时间:2011-10 出版社:知识产权出版社 作者:张丽萍 页数:204
1 Introduction
1.1 Research orientation
1.2 Working definition
1.3 Rationale for this study
1.4 0bjective and research questions
1.4.1 General objective
1.4.2 Specific research questions
1.5 Significance of this study
1.6 Research methodology and data collection
1.6.1 Research methodology
1.6.2 Data collection and description
1.7 0rganization of this book
2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The construct of lawyer evaluation
2.2.1 The origin of lawyer evaluation
2.2.2 The constituents of lawyer evaluation
2.3 Lawyer evaluation and context
2.4 Lawyer evaluation in context:a linguistic perspective
2.4.1 Lawyer evaluation identified in discourse
2.4.2 Two dimensions for the positioning of lawyer
2.4.3 Lawyer evaluation on the dimension of solidarity
2.5 Lawyer evaluation in context:a legal perspective
2.5.1 Major issues for lawyer evaluation
2.5.2 Predominant legal ideology
2.5.3 Habermasian interpretations of judicial communication
2.6 Summary
3 Theoretical Framework
4 The Constituents of Lawyer Evaluation
5 Lawyer Evaluation under Contextual Constraints
6 Discursive Construction of Rational Lawyer Evaluation
7 Functions of Lawyer Evaluation
8 Conclusion
版权页:插图:Structurally,lawyer evaluation can be identified and described in terms of an evalu-ator,evaluated and evaluating item.An evaluating item is the locus of an evaluativeattitude.An evaluator is the source of evaluative attitudes.The evaluated iS the ob.ject or entity that evaluative attitudes apply to.The evaluator in this study is specifically made to refer to lawyers.It is realizedin nouns/nominal phrase or related pronouns designating lawyers,clients or parties.However,how lawyers show up in text as sources of evaluative attitudes is a processof selection.Generally,there are two options for the presentation of an evaluator intext.It may be directly presented and identified in clauses,or may be concealed andindirectly identified.In the second case,the evaluator is retrievable in the context.The evaluated is the object or entity an evaluative attitude applies to.Realizedin nouns or nominal phrases,it can be identified on different scales,either locally atthe clause level or globally as part of the macro-topics of lawyer evaluation.Structurally,an evaluating item is the rudimentary element in the identificationof lawyer evaluation.As the locus of evaluative attitudes,it has two different realiza-tions,“congruent expression”and“incongruent expression”.