
出版时间:2010-11  出版社:知识产权出版社  作者:宋鸿立  页数:130  字数:132000  




宋鸿立,女,副教授。专业方向:外国语言文学,郑州大学英国语言文学专业本科学位,英国Ed i nburghNapier Unl versity管理学硕士学位。2007年9月~2008年9月赴英国做访问学者一年。1995年至今,先后讲授大学英语、雅思英语、学术英语写作及英美文化等课程,现任教于郑州轻工


Chapter 1: Introduction, Research Problem & ObjectiveChapter 2: Literature ReviewChapter 3: Research MethodChapter 4: Data AnalysisChapter 5: Discussion and ConclusionsReferencesAppendix 1  Survey QuestionnaireAppendix 2  Interview Questions for InternationalStudentsAppendix 3 SPSS Data Analvsis Result


  Chapter 1: Introduction,Research Problem & Objective  1.1 Background  'Olobalization' or 'Internationalization' has been the buzzingwords for several decades. In fact, international education sector is un-dergoing dramatic changes with the alternation of international situa-tion-the coming era of knowledge-based economy, and is herefore ex-erting an increasing influence on social development which in turn re-lies more and more on higher education.  Exporting Education  In Australia, the 1998 West Review, a market-based model offunding into higher education, was proposed to follow the studentdemand ( Joseph and Joseph, 2000). Such kinds of proposals werenot present in this sector before. In the UK, higher educationstudents were egarded as ' primary customers' as early as in 1990s(Hill, 1995). National Student Survey in England was introducedto specialize in seeking the students' views from final year students ona number of aspects of education services such as teaching, assess-ment and support. Financial pursuit is also a severe competitiveness inthe international market. It has become progressively important forstudents to select which university they will attend (Asthana andBiggs, 2007). In 2005, export revenue in Australia was valued at $ 9  billion raised through the provision to international students studying……



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