Aerodrome Control机场管制

出版时间:2012-3  出版社:中国民航出版社  作者:王同乐,张飞,姜涛  


Aerodrome control service is part of Air Traffic Service which is provided for aerodrome
traffic to ensure the separation and efficient movement of aircraft and vehicles operating on the taxiways and runways of the aerodrome itself, and aircraft in the vicinity of the aerodrome as well. Currently in many countries, aerodrome control service has been regarded as the basic training programme for a new recruiting air traffic controller.
To meet the requirement of rapid developing national civil aviation industry, CAUC decided to set up “Aerodrome Control” as the major course for ATC subject. This book can be used as teaching material for academy students major in ATM who have basic ATM theory and correspondent aviation English capability, as well as a guidance material for OJT trainees from current ATC working unit. The book is written in English, that will be very helpful for trainee’s language proficiency, and includes 9 chapters and 3 appendixes. Chapter 1 begins with general introduction of an aerodrome, Chapters 2-4 introduce aerodrome marking and signs, aeronautical ground lighting and visual signals, essential aerodrome information which is very essential to aerodrome control tower. Chapters 5-7 present separation in the vicinity of aerodrome, and aerodrome control service procedure including standard telephony communication. Chapter 8 gives an example of local instruction which will be used for simulation practice and chapter 9 introduces the guidance and methods to handle emergency situations. Exercises and consulting questions have been given at the end of each chapter. These questions and exercises are very helpful for trainees to understand and master concept and knowledge in each chapter. On material phraseology chosen, the book includes all terms pertain to aerodrome control in reference with English proficiency (ICAO Doc9835). This teaching material consists of two parts which are theory principle and simulation practice with exercises at the end of each chapter to facilitate teaching organization for instructor and self- study of the trainees. By using the book, trainees can acquaint and understand the aerodrome control fundamental theory which includes aerodrome operation, aerodrome markings and signs, provision of aerodrome service, separation, the principle and common used method for emergency handling together with standard telephony communication, etc. In practice part, it enables trainee to achieve the requirement of basic aerodrome control skills by practice using ATC simulation training system which was developed and owned by CAUC.


Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction to aerodrome
Chapter2. Aerodrome surface markings and signs
Chapter3. Aeronautical ground lighting (AGL)and visual signals
Chapter4. Essential aerodrome information
Chapter5. Separation in the vicinity of aerodrome
Chapter6. Aerodrome ATS operation procedure
Chapter7. Aerodrome control service
Chapter8. Local instructions
Chapter9. Emergency



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